Parable of the Stars
Base Sublass: Circle of the Stars
Seven Spires with seven Ascent, each represents a concept and in some ways a purpose, and those who follows a specific Ascent can draw powers from it. The spires are beings of higher power, some can say they even trancends the concept of God that we once has.
You, child of the star are chosen with the purpose to reveal the secrets behind the Spires and their influences upon this world, will you bring this forsaken world salvation it needs or the destruction it deserves?
"Ambitious, arrogant, and seemingly all-knowing, much like the number zero. It's the void from which all other thing begin.”
Level 2: Bonus Cantrip
You gain to unleash the power which Spires draws from. You learn the Cosmic Flare cantrip.
While holding your Star Map, you can add your Proficiency Bonus to this cantrip's damage roll.
Level 3: Spire's Resonance
Your growing understanding of the Spires and their role in Antares has granted you the ability to draw powers from the ascents they represent.
When you activate your Starry Form, you can choose one Resonance to empower it, gaining a form-specific benefit tied to your chosen constellation. If you haven't chosen a Resonance when activating your Starry Form, you can do so later as a Bonus Action.
You can use this feature twice. You regain one expended use when you finish a Short Rest, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. You gain an additional use of this feature when you reach level 6 and again at level 17.
You eyes blazes in white flare and your being pulses with power of a star. The Destruction Resonance grants you the following benefit for your Starry Form Constellations.
- Collapsing Star
Archer - Once per turn, when you hit a target with your Archer Form's Bonus Action attack, each creatures within 5 feet of the target takes (Prof. bonus) Radiant damage.
- Searing Flare
Chalice - Once per turn, when you restore Hit Points to a creature using the Chalice Form feature, each creatures within 5 feet of the target takes (Prof. bonus) Radiant damage.
- Accretion Disk
Dragon - While Concentrating on a Druid spell, whenever you deal Radiant or Fire damage, it deals extra damage equals to your Proficiency Bonus.
Your resolves hardens like amber and your heart pumps liquid adamantine. The Perseverance Resonance grants you the following benefit for your Starry Form Constellations.
- Siege Emplacement
Archer - Allies that start its turn within 10 feet of you, gain Temporary Hit Points equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus until the start of its next turn.
- Amber Armour
Chalice - When you restore Hit Points to a creature using the Chalice Form feature, any Hit Points that exceeds the target's HP becomes Temporary Hit Points.
- Warding Aura
Dragon - While Concentrating on a Druid spell, all allies within 10 feet of you gain the benefit of Half Cover.
You are filled with an insatiable thirst to condemn the guilty. The Judgement Resonance grants you the following benefit for your Starry Form Constellations.
- Fist of Conviction
Archer - You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Proficiency Bonus so long you are not wearing Medium or Heavy Armour or using a Shield. Additionally, as a
Magic action, you can make a Melee spell attack using your Archer Form's attack.
At Druid level 6, this Melee spell attack confers two attacks. - Forgotten Vessel
Chalice - Once per turn, when you restore Hit Points to a creature using the Chalice Form feature, it gains a bonus to its next D20 Test equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
- Judgement's Overture
Dragon - While Concentrating on a Druid spell, if the total damage roll of one of your attacks is lower than your Proficiency Bonus, you can treat the damage as equal to your Proficiency Bonus.