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Towering over most folk, goliaths are distant decendants of giants. Each goliath bears the favour of the first giants-favours that manigest in various supernatural boons, including the ability to quickly grow and temporarily approach the height of goliaths' gigantic kin.

Goliaths have physical charateristic that are reminiscent of the giants in their family lines, For example, some goliaths look like stone giants, while others resemble fire giants. Whatever giants they count as kin, goliath have forged their own path in the multiverse-unencumbered by the intercenine conflicys that have ravaged giantkind for ages-and seek heights above those reached by their ancestors.

Goliath Traits

PHB'24 Species

Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (about 7-8 feet tall)
Speed: Fast (35 feet)

As a Goliath, you have these following traits.

Giant Ancestry

You are descended from Giants. Choose one of the following benefits-a supernatural boon from your ancestry; you can use the chosen benefit a number of times equal your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended use when you finish a Long Rest:

Cloud's Jaust (Cloud Giant)
As a Bonus Action, you magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

Fire's Burn (Fire Giant)
When you hit a target with an attack roll and deal damage to it, you can also deal 1d10 Fire damage to that target.

Frost's Chill (Frost Giant)
When you hit a target with an attack roll and deal damage to it, you can give that target the Prone condition.

Stone's Endurance (Stone Giant)
When you take damage, you can take a Reaction to roll 1d12. Add your Constitution to the number rolled and reduce the damage by that total.

Storm's Thunder (Storm Giant)
When you take damage from a creature within 60 feet of you, you can take a Reaction to deal 1d8 Thunder damage to that creature.

Large Form

Starting at character level 5, you can change your size to Large as a Bonus Action if you're in big enough space. This transformation lasts for 10 minutes or until you end it (no action required). For that duration, you have Advantage on Strength checks, and your Speed increases by 10 feet. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest.

Powerful Build

You have Advantage on any saving throw you make to end the Grappled condition. You also count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity.