The Londoners arrived from beyond Antares through the Northern Gate, bringing with them their ingenuity, advanced technology, and strong ideologies. Highly intelligent and deeply nationalistic, these humans have a mysterious past, their will tempered by constant warfare and perpetual threats to their existence—a reality that persists even in Antares.
Londoner Traits
Crown & Misery Species
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (about 4-7 feet tall) or Small (about 2-4 feet tall)
Speed: Standard (30 feet)
You are unfortunate enough to have roots in Albion. You have these following traits.
Moreover, you are considered a Human for the purpose of features or effects that requires you to be Human.
Class Restriction
You are restricted from choosing the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard classes.
Why Restriction?
Humans from the Albion are outsiders in Antares. As a result, the Weave of magic does not interact with them in the same way it does with the native races, rendering them unable to perform direct spellcraft. However, a small number of Londoners have found ways to wield magic, often through the use of technological innovations, casting units, or ancient artifacts that contain magical properties.
Ability Score Change
Your Strength score is reduced by 2 and your Intelligence score is increased by 2.
You know the English language and you gain the Dominion's Armaments Origin feat.
Desperate Inspiration
You gain additional ways to gain Heroic Inspiration:
Critical When a creature scores a Critical Hit against you, you gain Heroic Inspiration and regain Hit Points equal to your character level.
Death When an ally that you can see or hear drops to 0 hit points, you gain Heroic Inspiration and regain Hit Points equal to your character level.
Mental Resilience
You have Resistance to Psychic damage. You also have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Charmed and Frightened condition.
British Ingenuity
You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.