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Tieflings are either born in the Lower Plane or have a fiendish ancestors who originated there. A tiefling (pronounced TEE-fling) is linked by blood to a devil, a demon, or some other Fiend. This connection to the Lower Planes is the tiefling's fiendish legacy, which comes with the promis of power yet has no effect on the tiefling's moral outlook.

A tiefling chooses whether to emprace or lament their fiendish legacy. The three legacis are described below

Tiefling Traits

PHB'24 Species

Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (about 4-7 feet tall) or Small (about -4 feet tall)
Speed: Standard (30 feet)

As a Tiefling, you have the following special traits.


You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Fiendish Legacy

You are the recipient of a legacy that grants you supernatural abilities. Choose a legacy from the Fiendish Legacies table. You gain the level 1 benefit of the chosen legacy.

When you reach characyer levels 3 and 5, you learn a higher-level spell, as shown on the table. You always have that spell prepared. You can cast it once without expending a spell slot, and you regain the ability to cast it in that way when you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have of the apporpriate level.

Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spells you cast with this trait (choose the ability when you select the legacy)

Fiendish Legacy
Legacy Level 1 Level 3 Level 5
Abyssal You have Resistance to Poison Damage.
You also know the Poison Spray Cantrip
Ray of Sickness Hold Person
Chthonic You have Resistance to Necrotic Damage.
You also know the Chill Touch Cantrip
False Life Ray of Enfeeblement
Infernal You have Resistance to Fire Damage.
You also know the Fire Bolt Cantrip
Hellish Rebuke Darkness
EldritchCM You have Resistance to Psychic Damage.
You also know the Vicious Mockery Cantrip
Dissonant Whispers Mirror Image
StygianCM You have Resistance to Cold Damage.
You also know the Ray of Frost Cantrip
Cause Fear Phantasmal Force