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Forge And Wield Magic-Infused Weapons in Battle.


Forge And Wield Magic-Infused Weapons in Battle.

While most Artificers are primarily inventors who take up the life of adventure to test experiments in the field, those known as Forgewrights seek out battle for its own sake. Reveling in the thrill of combat, they combine their innovation with their skill as warriors to forge their signature Arcane Armament.

Level 3: Tools of the Trade

You gain proficiency with Martial Weapons and Smith's Tools. If you already have proficiency with Smith's Tool, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.

In addition, whenever you make an ability check with Smith's Tools, you can use your Intelligence as the ability, instead of the original Ability.

Level 3: Forgewright Spells

When you reach an Artificer level specified in the Forgewright Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.

Forgewright Spells
Artificer Level Spell
3 Compelled Duel, Thunderous Smite
5 Foreign IronwindCM, Misty Step
9 Conjure Barrage, Elemental Weapon
13 Fire Shield, Staggering Smite
17 Destructive Wave, Holy Weapon

Level 3: Arcane Armament

Your battlefield research has resulted in the invention of your signature Arcane Armament, which uses the following rules:

Forging the Armament During a Long Rest, you can spend 1 hour using Smith's Tools to reforge one Melee weapon that you are holding and proficienct with into an Arcane Armament. You can only have one Arcane Armament at a time, and forging another causes any previous Armaments to revert to their normal state.
  Your Arcane Armament gain additional following traits, in addition to its default trait. You can use your Intelligence, in place of Strength or Dexterity for its attack and damage rolls.

Arcane Armament
Trait Details
Weapon Category The base weapon's category
Base Damage Weapon's damage + Ability modifier
Properties The weapon's base property + Thrown (30/90)
Infusion Returning Weapon. You can't replace this Infusion, but it doesn't count torwards your maximum known.

The number of additional Infusion your Arcane Armament can bear increases, on top of the Returning Weapon infusion when you reach level 5 (+1 Infusion), Level 9 (+2 Infusion), and Level 15 (+3 Infusion). You can still infuse other eligible items with Returning Weapon even though your Arcane Armament bears this infusion.

Level 5: Extra Attack

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Level 5: Weapon Mastery

Your training and bond with your Arcane Armament allows you to use its Mastery properties.

Moreover, when you finish Long Rest you can replace your Arcane Armament's Mastery property with another eligible Mastery property (e.g. Replace the Battleaxe's Topple property with the Vex property).

Level 9: Weapon Masterwork

When you attack with an Arcane Weapon whose Mastery property you can use, you can replace that property with the Push, Sap, or Slow property for that attack.

Moreover, whenever you hit with an Arcane Armament attack you can deal a bonus 1d8 Force damage on hit. Each time you attack with your Arcane Armament, you can forgo this potential bonus damage to instead make your attack with Advantage.

Level 15: Saint of the Forge

You have become a master Forgewright and extend the power of your Arcane Armament to others.

As a Bonus Action, you can flood a number of weapons equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) within 30 feet, one of which can be your Arcane Armament, with raw power. For 1 minute, these weapons deal a bonus 1d8 Force damage on hit.

Once you use this feature you must finish a Long Rest before you can use it again. If you have no uses left, you can expend a level 3+ spell slot to use it again.

Written by Eschatologue