Gun Down your Adversaries
You have dedicated your great intellect to the development of a one-of-a-kind weapon of war, the Arcane Firearm. Marked by this signature weapon, you enter the fray with the swagger and guile only found in one kind of Artificer, the Gunslinger
Level 3: Tools of the Trade
You gain proficiency with Alchemist's supplies and Smith's tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of Artisan's Tools of your choice.
In addition, whenever you make an ability check with Smith's Tools, you can use your Intelligence as the ability, instead of Strength.
Level 3: Gunslinger Spells
Your tinkering with Arcane Firearm ensures you always have certain spells ready. When you reach an Artificer level specified in the Armourer Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.
Gunslinger Spells
Artificer Level | Spells |
3 | Chaos Bolt, Guiding Bolt |
5 | Melf's Acid Arrow, Aganazzar's Scorcher |
9 | Conjure Barrage, Lightning Arrow |
13 | Banishment, Fire Shield |
17 | Skill Empowerment, Swift Quiver |
Level 3: Arcane Firearm
Your groundbreaking research has led to the development of your signature Arcane Firearm, which uses the rules below:
Crafting your Firearm During the course of a Long Rest, you can spend 1 hour using smith's tools to craft one Arcane Firearm. It is only usable by you, you are proficient with it, and crafting another causes the magic of the previous Firearm to instantly dispel. You can use your Intelligence, in place of Dexterity for its attack and damage rolls.
Infusions Your Firearm can bear one Infusion for a ranged weapon or an arcane focus. At Artificer level 9 it can bear one additional Infusion.
Upgrades Upon creation, your Arcane Firearm gains two Upgrades of your choice from the list of Upgrades at the end of this subclass.
Arcane Firearm
Trait | Details |
Weapon Category | Simple Ranged |
Base Damage | 1d10 + Ability Modifier Force |
Properties | Reload (6), Ranged (80/320) |
At certain Artificer levels, your Arcane Firearm gains more Upgrades: at level 5 (3), 10 (4), and 15 (5)
Level 5: Extra Attack
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Moreover, if you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one Arcane Firearm attack as a Bonus Action on that turn.
Level 9: Overcharge
You can imbue your Arcane Firearm's attacks with additional explosive magic. Once per turn when you hit a target with an attack from your Arcane Firearm, you can expend a spell slot to cause that attack to deal bonus Force damage to the target.
This bonus damage is 2d6 for a level 1 spell slot and it increases by 1d6 for each spell slot level above 1.
Level 9: Quickdraw
You always seem to shoot first. You can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to your Initiative rolls. Also, if you roll Initiative and don't have the Surprised or the Incapacitated conditon, you can use a Reaction to make one attack with your Arcane Firearm.
Level 15: Master Gunslinger
Your skill with your Arcane Firearm is nearly supernatural in battle. You can take a Bonus Action on your turn to steady your breathing, granting you Advantage on any attacks you make with your Arcane Firearm until the end of your current turn.
Finally, once per turn when you make an attack with your Arcane Firearm with Advantage , you can forgo the Advantage to instead make one additional Arcane Firearm attack.
Gunslinger Upgrades
Below are the Upgrades available to Gunslinger Artificers. If one of your Upgrades has an Artificer level prerequisite, you can use it at the same time you meet that prerequisite.
When one of your Upgrades requires a creature to make a saving throw, it makes its save against your Spell save DC.
Close Shot
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Artificer
When you make a ranged attack with your Arcane Firearm while you have a hostile creature within 5 feet of you, you do not have Disadvantage on your attack roll.
Deadly Accuracy
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Artificer
You gain a +2 bonus to your Arcane Firearm attack rolls. This Upgrade does not stack with the Archery Fighting Style Feat.
Elemental Shot
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Artificer
As a Bonus Action, you can touch your Arcane Firearm and expend a level 1+ spell slot and choose either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lighting, or Thunder. For the next minute, your Arcane Firearm deals additional damage of that type on hit.
The elemental damage is 1d4 for a level 1 spell slot, plus an additional 1d4 for each spell slot above level 1.
Grooved Barrel
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Artificer
You modify your Arcane Firearm to be especially accurate. You ignore the Disadvantage imposed on Arcane Firearm attacks that you make at the weapon's long range.
High Caliber
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Artificer
You increase the firepower of the Arcane Firearm. Its range increases to (100/400), its damage die increases from 1d10 to 2d6, and it gains the Heavy and Two-handed properties.
Replaceable Parts
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Artificer
Your Arcane Firearm is crafted so you can adjust it on the fly. You can spend 10 minutes using Smith's Tools to replace one of your Arcane Firearm's Upgrades with another Upgrade that you meet the prerequisites for. You can do so during a Short Rest.
Blinding Rounds
Prerequisite: Level 5+ Artificer
Once per turn when you hit a target with an Arcane Firearm attack, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it has the Blinded condition until the start of your next turn.
Concussive Rounds
Prerequisite: Level 5+ Artificer
Once per turn when you hit a target with an Arcane Firearm attack, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target cannot take reactions, and its Speed is halved until the beginning of your next turn.
Explosive Rounds
Prerequisite: Level 5+ Artificer
Once per turn when you hit a target with an Arcane Firearm attack, you can force all creatures within 5 feet of it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take damage as if they had also been hit by your Arcane Firearm attack.
Incapacitating Rounds
Prerequisite: Level 9+ Artificer
Once per turn when you hit a target with an Arcane Firearm attack, you can force it to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it has the Incapacitated condition until the start of your next turn, or until it takes damage or is forced to make a saving throw.
Large and larger creatures have Advantage on the Strength saving throw to resist the effects of this Upgrade.
Arcane Railgun
Prerequisite: Level 15+ Artificer
Once on your turn in place of making an Arcane Firearm attack, you can force creatures in a 60-foot Line originating from your Arcane Firearm to make a Dexterity saving throw. Targets take 4d6 Force damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful save.
Independent Turret
Prerequisite: Level 15+ Artificer
As a Magic action, you can set your Arcane Firearm up as a turret in an unoccupied 5-foot space. While you are within 120 feet of your Arcane Firearm, you can use a Bonus Action to cause your Arcane Firearm to make an attack, or use another one of its abilities, targeting a creature you can see in its range.
Written by Laserllama Modified & Adapted to PHB'24 by Eschatologue