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Forge Legends with Blade and Verse

College of Skald

Forge Legends with Blade and Verse

Bards of this College are no strangers to adventure. Unlike other Bards who sing the tales of heroes from ages past, Skalds seek to inspire new legends or become the legend themselves. They seek out bands of adventurers and potential heroes, fighting in the frontlines, and hoping to use their magic to inspire them to great feats worthy of legend.

Dwarves often include Skalds to bolster their army ranks and they can be found swinging battleaxe in one hand and songs or poetries on their lips.

Level 3: Bardic Warrior

In your desire to stand amongst the heroes of legend you have learned to fight.

You gain proficiency with Martial weapons and training with Shields and Medium Armour. You can also use your weapon or shield as a spellcasting focus for Bard spells.

Level 3: Ode of Fury

You gain the following benefits:

Bardic Focus When you make a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike and miss, you can expend one Bardic Inspiration Die, roll it, and add the result to the attack roll, possibly turning your miss into a hit.

Guiding Song As part of the Attack action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration. You and any allies within 30 feet of you that can hear you gain a bonus equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die. This bonus applies to the next attack roll or the next damage roll that the affected creature makes before the start of your next turn.

Level 6: Extra Attack

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

In addition, you can cast one of your cantrip that has the casting time of an action in place of those attack.

Level 6: Mighty Charge

Your heroic presence rallies allies to charge into battle.

When you roll Initiative, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration. You and a number of creatures of your choice equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) within 30 feet of you gain a bonus to their Initiative rolls equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Die.

Level 14: Heroic Presence

Your weapon attacks are empowered with your signature bardic magic.

Whenever you hit with a weapon attack you deal bonus Thunder damage on hit equal to your Bardic Die. This roll doesn't expend the die.

Moreover, when a creature that has a Bardic Inspiration die from you uses it for a D20 Test, that creature gains Temporary Hit Points equals to the number rolled.

Written by Laserllama Modified & Adapted to PHB'24 by Eschatologue