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Union of Flesh and Steel

Circle of the Forged

Union of Flesh and Steel

What does it mean to be truly natural? Can a being made of wood and steel possess the spark of life? Druids of the Circle of the Forged challenge these boundaries, embracing the fusion of living creatures and machines. This circle represents a radical sect of druids who are deeply devoted to Valinor's generator-which they revere as the new form of the Tree of Life. In their quest for greater attunement with their Omnissiah, whom they see as the embodiment of Harmony, they have replaced their own organic parts with mechanical augmentations.

Level 3: Caretaker of Irminsul

You have attuned yourself to both nature and the spirits that presides inside machines, granting you the following benefits:

Mending You know the [:spell-lv-0: Mending] cantrip. While in your Wild Shape form, when a [:spell-lv-0: Mending] cantrip is cast on you, you restore Hit Points equal to 1d6 + the caster's spellcasting ability. Your own body becomes the Material component for this purpose. You can cast this cantrip at yourself even while in Wild Shape form.

Proficiency You gain proficiency with Tinker's Tool or Smith's Tool, and one type of Artisan's Tools of your choice. You can use your Wisdom when you make ability checks using those tools.

Level 3: Skin of Steel

Through the fusion of ancient druidic techniques and advanced technology, you enhance your Wild Shape with mechanical augmentations.

You gain the benefit of the Circle Forms feature granted by Level 3 Moon Druid subclass, in addition of the following benefits:

Creature Type While in your Wild Shape, you're also considered a Construct in addition of the type of the creature you turn into.

Resistance You have Advantage on saves to gain and end the Poisoned condition, and you gain Resistance to Poison damage.

Machine Body While transformed, you do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Immunities You have Immunity to be put to sleep by magical means.

While in your Wild Shape form, your body is visibly artificial, with muscles replaced by root-like tendrils and reinforced by metallic plates. It is clear to an observer that you are not a normal animal, but a unique blend of life and machine.

Level 6: Implements of the Beast

You can transform the natural weapons of your Wild Shape form into fearsome, mechanical-like enhancements. For example, you might reshape claws into chainsaws, turn tails into bladed whips, or convert fangs into piercing drills.

After a Long Rest, you can choose a number of weapon Mastery properties equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). While in your Wild Shape form, when you make a melee or ranged attack using the creature's feature, you can apply one of the chosen Mastery properties to that attack, even if you do not meet its usual prerequisites. However, you cannot select the Nick Mastery property.

You may choose a new set of Mastery properties after each Long Rest.

Level 10: Adamantine Hide

While you are in Wild Shape form, you gain Resistance to image/svg+xml Bludgeoning, image/svg+xml Piercing, and image/svg+xml Slashing damage. In addition, you gain the ability to use Wild Shape as a Reaction when you take damage, and the damage from that attack is applied to the Temporariy Hit Points granted by your Wild Shape.

Level 14: Constructed Perfection

While you are in Wild Shape form, you are immune to conditions such as: Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, and Poisoned. In addition, you have Immunity to Poison damage.

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