Order of Arcanist
Master the Way of Magic
Magi who join the Order of Arcanists often find themselves in the service of Wizards and other learned practitioners of the arcane arts. While most Magi only study magic for its uses in combat, those who join this Order explore the broader uses of arcane magic, and will go so far as to keep a spellbook and learn rituals that will aid in their quest for knowledge.
Level 3: Advanced Armoury
Your Order has taught you to expand your Arcane Armoury to hold more than the armaments of war.
You can perform your Arcane Armoury ritual on potions, spell scrolls, staffs, wands, Tiny wondrous items, and other Tiny items, storing them in your Arcane Armoury. As normal, you can use a Bonus Action to shunt or summon these items from your Arcane Armoury, but you must have a free hand to do so.
Also, the maximum number of objects you can have as part of your Arcane Armoury is equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) + your Magus level. All other rules for your Arcane Armoury still apply.
Level 3: Arcane Spellbook
Unlike other Magi who memorize spells for use in battle, you maintain a spellbook from which you can prepare spells:
You gain a Spellbook that contains a number of spells of your choice equal to your number of Spells Known, which replace your current Spells Known. You choose these new spells from the Magus or Wizard spell list, but they must be of a level that you have the spell slots for as shown on the Magus table. Your Arcane Spellbook is a Tiny item that can be enchanted as part of your Arcane Armoury.
Preparing Spells
When you finish a Long Rest, you can spend 1 hour preparing your spells for the day. You prepare a number of spells from your Spellbook equal to half your level + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. These are the only spells you can cast until you prepare other spells, and while prepared they count as Magus spells for you.
Ritual Casting
You can cast the ritual version of any spell in your Spellbook even if you do not have the spell prepared.
Learning New Spells
Whenever you gain a Magus level, you add another Magus or Wizard spell of your choice to your Spellbook. It must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
You can also copy any Magus or Wizard spell from a spell scroll or Spellbook into your Aracane Spellbook by spending 1 hour and 100 SP for rare inks, per spell level, so long as the spell is of a level for which you have spell slots.
Level 7: War Magic
You can seamlessly weave minor spells with weapon attacks.
After you cast a Magus spell that has a casting time of an Action, you can make one attack with a weapon as a Bonus Action.
Level 15: Esoteric Sight
The duration of your Spellsight increases to 10 minutes, it no longer requires concentration, and while it is active you gain Truesight out to a 30-foot radius and you have Advantage on any weapon attack rolls you make as part of Spellsunder.
Level 20: Grand Arcanist
You wield arcane magic that rivals an archmage.
You add one level 6 and one level 7 Wizard spell of your choice to your Spellbook. You can cast each spell once without expending a spell slot, and regain the ability to do so after a Long Rest.