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Enter a Trance of Focus and Storms of Steel

Order of Blade Dancers

Enter a Trance of Focus and Storm of Steel

The Magi known as Blade Dancers dedicate their lives to the art of the Blade Dance. This mystical trance allows the Magi to empty their mind of all emotion and distraction to become one their blade. Masters of this trance are deadly whirlwinds of arcane power and savage steel in battle.

Typically, Magi of this Order take on a single apprentice, teaching them, and only them, the secrets of their Order.

Level 3: Blade Dance

Your Order's style of combat is an art. You gain proficiency in Performance, and you can use your Strength or Dexterity, in place of Charisma, when making a Performance check.

So long as you are not wearing Heavy armour or wielding a weapon with Heavy Property, you can use your Bonus Action to enter the trance known as the Blade Dance. This trance lasts for 1 minute, and while it is active, you gain the benefits below:

Speed Increase Your Speed increases by 10 feet.

Bonus AC You gain a +1 bonus to your Armour Class.

Improved Damage Once per turn, when you roll damage for an attack or spell, you can roll the damage dice twice and use the higher result.

Bonus to Checks You add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to all Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks

Your Blade Dance ends if you have the Incapacitated condition, if you don Heavy armour or a weapon with Heavy Property, or if you end it (no action required).

Once you enter a Blade Dance you must complete a Short or Long Rest before you can do so again. You can also restore your use of it by expending a level 1+ spell slot (no action required).

Level 3: Blade Dancer Spell

When you reach a Magus level specified in the Blade Dancer Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.

Blade Dancer's Spell
Magus Level Spells
3 Compelled Duel, Zephyr Strike
5 Blur, Misty Step
9 Elemental Weapon, Haste
13 Fire Shield, Freedom of Movement
17 Steel Wind Strike, Holy Weapon

Level 7: Fluid Steps

Your Order's emphasis on fluidity and martial skill has honed your reflexes. You gain the following benefits:

Save Proficiencies You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws

Initiative Bonus You add your Intelligence modifier to Initiative rolls.

Improved AC Your Blade Dance Armour Class bonus becomes +2.

Level 15: Deadly Dance

You have become an expert of the Blade Dance, and while you are in this trance you gain the additional benefits below:

Uncanny Dodge Whenever you are forced to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you take no damage on a successful save, and only have damage on a failed save.

Improved Spellsunder Whenever you use Spellsunder, you add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to the attack roll you make.

Improved AC Your Blade Dance Armour Class bonus becomes +3.

Level 20: Master of Blades

You have reached the apex of your Order and been granted the title of Master of Blades.

You are always considered to be under the effects of your Blade Dance so long as you are not wearing heavy armour or wielding a heavy weapon.

Also, when you take the Attack action while in your Blade Dance, you make one additional attack as part of that action.

Written by Laserllama Modified & Adapted to PHB'24 by Eschatologue