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Fight Magic with Magic

Order of Spellbreaker

Fight Magic with Magic

Known for their ruthless dedication to achieving their goals. This fraternity of arcane warriors and mage hunters use their Order's abilities to slay any who abuse magic power. While most Spellbreakers are discerning as they deliver judgment, some swear an oath to destroy any who utilise the arcane arts.

Level 3: Baleful Mark

As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can place a Baleful Mark on a creature you can see. This Mark lasts until you use this feature on another creature, the target dies, or it is removed by an equally powerful spell.

This Mark is only visible to you, and while it is active, you gain the benefits listed below:

Mage Breaker Whenever you damage your Mark, it has Disadvantage on its subsequent saving throw to maintain Concentration

Mage Slayer If your Mark attempts to cast a spell while it is within your reach, it provokes Opportunity Attack from you.

Spellcaster Type You learn its spellcasting ability and the level of the highest level spell it can cast, if any.

Tracking You know the exact direction of your Mark, so long as you both remain on the same plane of existence.

Level 3: Spellbrearker's Magic

When you reach a Magus level specified in the Spellbreaker Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.

Spellbreaker's Spell
Level Spells
3 Bane, Detect Evil and Good
5 Blindness/Deafness, Silence
9 Counterspell, Magic Circle
13 Banishment, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
17 Dispel Evil and Good, Planar Binding

Level 7: Mantle of Defense

You can steel yourself to better resist the magic of your hated foes.

Whenever your Mark forces you to make a saving throw to resist a spell or another magical effect, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

Level 7: Crippling Mark

Whenever you see your Mark make a D20 Test and you are within 30 feet, you can use your Reaction to end your Baleful Mark and impose Disadvantage on its roll.

However, when you end your Baleful Mark in this way, you cannot Mark that creature again until you finish a Long Rest.

Level 15: Reflective Spellsunder

You reflect your enemy's magic back upon themselves.

When you use Spellsunder and cause the spell to fail, you can force the creature that cast the spell to become the new target of their own spell.

The spell uses the caster's spell attack roll and Spell save DC. If it requires Concentration, you must Concentrate on it.

Level 20: Master of Spellbreakers

You have risen through the ranks of your Order to become an unparalleled hunter of mages. You gain the benefits below:

Quick Mark When you roll Initiative, so long as you are not surprised, you can mark a creature you can see with Baleful Mark.

Attack Advantage You have Advantage on any weapon attack rolls you make as part of [Spellstrike] and Spellsunder against your Mark.

Maximum Damage When you hit your Mark with a [Spellstrike] attack, you can end your Baleful Mark to cause your attack, including the spell, to deal maximum damage. After you do so, you can't Mark that creature again until you finish a Long Rest.

Written by Laserllama Modified & Adapted to PHB'24 by Eschatologue