Order of Travelers
Traverse the Flow of Time
Practitioners of what many consider a forbidden school of magic, Magi of the Order of Travelers augment their skills with Chronomancy magic, the magic of time. As they grow in their understanding of these secret magic, Travelers become increasingly detached from their place in time, and turning to become strange wanderers who safeguard the flow of time.
Legends speak of Travelers so skillful in their use of time magic who can conjure future versions of themselves to aid in combat and offer cryptic knowledge from the future. How will your Traveler Magus safeguard the flow of time?
Level 3: Traveler Spell
When you reach a Magus level specified in the Traveler Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.
Traveler's Spell
Magus Level | Spells |
3 | Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall |
5 | Hold Person, Misty Step |
9 | Haste, Slow |
13 | Banishment, Dimension Door |
17 | Hold Monster, Modify Memory |
Level 3: Temporal Shift
You can alter the passage of time to undo any mistakes and missteps you may make.
Whenever you fail a D20 Test, you can take a Reaction to re-roll your d20. You must use this new result.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once) and regain all expended use when you finish a Long Rest. You can also restore all usage by expending a level 1+ spell slot (no action required).
Level 3: Visions of the Past
You have learned to see echoes of past events in the present.
You gain proficiency in History, and whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check while in the location where the subject of your Intelligence (History) check took place, you can add double your proficiency bonus to your roll.
Level 7: Chronological Drift
Your use of time magic has caused your physical form to be detached from the normal flow of time.
Your age cannot be changed by spells or magical effects, and for every 10 years that pass, your physical body only ages 1 year.
At level 15, you only age 1 year for every 100 years that pass, and at level 20, your body stops aging completely.
Level 7: Greater Shift
Your knowledge of Chronomancy magic allows you to adjust the effects of time for the creatures around you.
You can use Temporal Shift whenever a creature that you can see within 30 feet fails a D20 Test. It must use the new result of its d20 roll.
Also, at the beginning of each round of Initiative in combat, so long as you don't have the Incapacitated or Surprised condition, you can use your Reaction to roll Initiative again, using the new result.
Level 15: Conjure Self
You have become so adept at the manipulation of time that you can conjure versions of yourself from the future to aid you.
As a Magic action, expend a level 3+ spell slot to conjure your Future Self, which shares your Initiative and acts immediately after you.
Your Future Self has your Hit Point Maximum, Ability Scores, and all features from your Species, Class, and other sources, including independent uses of Temporal Shift, but shares your spell slots. It aids you independently to the best of its abilities.
You can ask your Future Self one question about the future, answered per the Commune spell guidelines. The DM determines their knowledge, limited to what you may know in the future.
The duration of their stay depends on the spell slot used: level 3 (1 minute), level 4 (1 hour), or level 5 (8 hours). They return to their time when the duration ends or when reduced to 0 hit points.
Only one Future Self can exist at a time. Summoning a new one ends the previous.
Level 20: Untethered Traveler
Your use of Chronomancy has caused you to become adrift in the flow of time, seeing and experiencing it radically different from those around you.
As a Magic action, you can cast a modified version of the Time Stop spell where you and your Future Self can both act, but you each only get one additional turn.
Once you use this feature you must finish a Long Rest before you can cast this modified version of Time Stop again. You can also restore your use of it by expending a level 5 spell slot (no action required).