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Protect the Sacred Grove

Grove Keeper Conclave

Protect the Sacred Grove

Grove Keepers are protectors of ancient forests and sacred sites. Their deep connection with the natural world allows them to tap into primal and spiritual magic, helping them fend off those who dare desecrate their lands.

Level 3: Natural Bond

Your bond with the natural world gives you the following benefits:

Wayfinder Your Speed increases by 5 feet. You are not affected by difficult terrain and effects caused by nature such as rocky terrain or overgrown plants..

Beast Tongue You can cast the Speak with Animals spell as rituals. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for them.

Naturalist. Choose 2 skills from: Animal Handling, Nature, Survival, or Perception. Whenever you make a check that uses those skills, you can treat a d20 roll of 7 or lower as an 8.

Level 3: Lashing Vines

You know the Thorn Whip Cantrip and the range increases to 60 feet. When you hit a target with this cantrip, you can take a Bonus Action to make one weapon attack or Unarmed Strike against the target with Advantage.

Your reach with your Melee weapon and Unarmed Strike increases by 5 feet when you reach Ranger level 7.

Level 3: Grove Keeper Spells

Primal energy flows through you. When you reach a ranger level specified in the Grove Keeper Spells Table. You thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.

Grove Keeper Spells
Level Spells
3 Faerie Fire, Sanctuary
5 Find Steed, Misty Step
9 Aura of Vitality, Erupting Earth
13 Giant Insect, Stone Shape
17 Hold Monster, Commune

Level 7: Wild Resurgence

You gian the following benefits:

Constitution Save You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Wisdom or Charisma saving throw.

Spike Growth You can cast the Spike Growth without expending a Spell Slot at its lowest level. You can use this feature a number of times up to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended use after a Long Rest. Moreover, the creature you choose up to your Wisdom modifier is not affected by this spell.

Level 11: Rooted Defense

When you or a creature you can see within 30 feet is hit by an attack, you can use your Reaction to cover that creature in hard barks & thorns. The target gains Temporary Hit Points equal to half your Ranger level, and the triggering damage is allocated to the Temporary Hit Point instead.

Level 15: Consecrated Grounds

As a Bonus Action, You beckon the Avatar of Nature to aid you in combat. A large spectral Avatar appears and hovers for 1 minute in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The avatar occupies that space and is invulnerable. It appears in the form of a Great Stag, An Elder Treant or A Fey Dragon (You can also choose it to be a different creature that is appropriate).

Once during your turn, You can command it to move up to 30 feet (No action required). An aura radiates from the avatar in a 20-foot emanation for the duration and has the following features:

Overgrowth The ground within the aura is Difficult Terrain for your enemies. When an enemy creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d6 image/svg+xml Piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Guardian Aura While in the aura, you and your allies have Advantage on all saving throws against spells. Additionally, At the start of each of your or your allies turn, regain 2d6 Hit Points.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also restore your use of it by expending a level 4 spell slot.

Written by Drowny