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Study and Slay Monsters

Monster Slayer Conclave

Study and Slay Monsters

You have dedicated yourself to hunting down creatures of the night and wielders of grim magic. A Monster Slayer seeks out vampires, dragons, evil fey, fiends, and other magical threats. Trained in supernatural techniques to overcome such monsters, slayers are experts at unearthing and defeating mighty, mystical foes.

Level 3: Monster Slayer Spells

Your training to hunt monsters ensures you always have certain spells ready; when you reach a Ranger level specified in the Monster Slayer Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.

Monster Slayer Spells
Ranger Level Spell
3 Bane, Protection from Evil and Good
5 Moonbeam, See Invisibility
9 Magic Circle, Protection from Energy
13 Banishment, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
17 Dispel Evil and Good, Hold Monster

Level 3: Slayer's Prey

You hunt most effectively when focussing your ire on a single target.

Your Hunter's Mark spell improves in the following ways:

Slayer's Strike Once per turn when you deal the extra damage of your Hunter's Mark, the damage increases by 1d6.

Hunter's Sense When you mark a creature, you immediately learn whether it has any damage Immunity, Resistance, or Vulnerability and what they are. If the creature is hidden from Divination magic, you sense that it has none of the aforementioned.

Level 3: Slayer's Cunning

You are always prepared to hunt. You gain the Slayer I Aptitude.

Level 7: Supernatural Defense

You gain extra resilience against your prey's assaults on your mind and body.

Whenever the target of your Hunter's Mark forces you to make an ability check or saving throw, you gain a bonus to the roll equals to your Wisdom modifier.

Level 11: Slayer's Prey Improvement

Your Hunter's Mark spell improves in the following ways:

Bypass Your Weapon attack and Unarmed Strike against the spell's target ignores the target's Resistance, and Immunity is treated as Resistance.

Slayer's Strike Improvement The extra damage of your Slayer's Strike increases to 2d6.

Level 15: Slayer's Counter

You gain the ability to counterattack when your prey tries to sabotage you.

When you see your the target of your Hunter's Mark attempt to cast a spell, teleport, or use another supernatural or magical ability from its stat block, you can make a single weapon attack against it as a Reaction. On hit, the spell's target must succeed on a WIS Save against your Spell Save DC, or its spell, teleport, or other ability is thwarted and fails to take effect.

When you use this feature and your attack hits, you can choose to instantly end Hunter's Mark to cause the creature to automatically fail its WIS Save.

Updated by Eschatologue