Equipment Packs
The starting equipment you get from your class includes a collection of useful adventuring gear, put together in a pack. The contents of these packs are listed here. If you are buying your starting equipment, you can purchase a pack for the price shown, which might be cheaper than buying the items individually.
Burglar's Pack
Adventuring gear, 16 gp
A Burglar's Pack contains the following items: Backpack, Ball Bearings, Bell, 10 Candles, Crowbar, Hooded Lantern, 7 flasks of Oil, 5 days of Rations, Rope, Tinderbox, and Waterskin.
Diplomat's Pack
Adventuring gear, 39 gp
A Diplomat's Pack contains the following items: Chest, Fine Clothes, Ink, 5 Ink Pens, Lamp, 2 Map or Scroll Cases, 4 flasks of Oil, 5 sheets of Paper, 5 sheets of Parchment, Perfume, and Tinderbox.
Dungeoneer's Pack
Adventuring gear, 12 gp
A Dungeoneer's Pack contains the following items: Backpack, Caltrops, Crowbar, 2 flasks of Oil, 10 days of Rations, Rope, Tinderbox, 10 Torches, and Waterskin.
Entertainer's Pack
Adventuring gear, 40 gp
An Entertainer's Pack contains the following items: Backpack, Bedroll, Bell, Bullseye Lantern, 3 Costumes, Mirror, 8 flasks of Oil, 9 days of Rations, Tinderbox, and Waterskin.
Explorer's Pack
Adventuring gear, 10 gp
An Explorer's Pack contains the following items: Backpack, Bedroll, 2 flasks of Oil, 10 days of Rations, Rope, Tinderbox, 10 Torches, and Waterskin.
Priest's Pack
Adventuring gear, 33 gp
A Priest's Pack contains the following items: Backpack, Blanket, Holy Water, Lamp, 7 days of Rations, Robe, and Tinderbox.
Scholar's Pack
Adventuring gear, 40 gp
A Scholar's Pack contains the following items: Backpack, Book, Ink, Ink Pen, Lamp, 10 flasks of Oil, 10 sheets of Parchment, and Tinderbox.