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Crown & Misery Items

These items are unique to the world that Crown & Misery takes place

Blueprint (Machine)

Adventuring gear, 30 sp, S.

A detailed technical drawing of a machine, providing insight into its design and operation. Grants Advantage on Intelligence checks related to understanding or replicating machines.

Scrap Metal (5 pieces)

Adventuring gear, 25 sp, S.

Useful for repairing or constructing small mechanical devices. Can be used in place of raw metal for crafting or repair projects.

Gas Detector

Adventuring gear, 250 sp, S.

A compact electronic device designed to detect hazardous gases. It emits a series of beeping noise audible up to 30 feet when harmful gas is detected within 15 feet.


Adventuring gear, 20 sp, S.

Protective eyewear designed to shield the eyes from debris, sparks, and bright lights while working with machinery. Grants Advantage on saving throws to avoid the Blinded condition.

Grenade Launcher

Adventuring gear, Firearms, M.

When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks to either throw a Grenade at a point up to 60 feet away or use a Grenade Launcher to propel the grenade to a point up to 120 feet away. The grenade explodes at that point, creating the grenade effect.

Radiation Counter

Adventuring gear, 500 sp, S.

A compact electronic device, designed to detect harmful radiation and corruption levels. It emits a series of clicking noises that increase in frequency as radiation or corruption levels rise when radiation or corruption is detected within 15 feet.