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Crafting Equipment

Using the rules below, characters can make nonmagical items, Potions of Healing, and Spell Scrolls.

Crafting Nonmagical Items

To craft a nonmagical item, you need tools, raw materials, and time, each of which is detailed below. If you meet the requirements, you make the item, and you can use it or sell it at its normal price.


This chapter's "Tools" section lists which tools are required to make certain items. The DM assigns required tools for items not listed there.

You must use the required tool to make an item and have proficiency with that tool. Anyone who helps you must also have proficiency with it.

Raw Materials

To make an item, you need raw materials worth half its purchase cost (round down). For example, you need 7,500 SP of raw materials to make Plate Armour, which sells for 15,000 SP. The DM determines whether appropriate raw materials are available.


To determine how many days (working 8 hours a day) it takes to make an item, divide its purchase cost in SP by 100 (round a fraction up to a day). For example, you need 5 days to make a Heavy Crossbow, which sells for 500 SP.

If an item requires multiple days, the days needn't be consecutive.

Characters can combine their efforts to shorten the crafting time. Divide the time needed to create an item by the number of characters working on it. Normally, only one other character can assist you, but the DM might allow more assistants.

Brewing Potions of Healing

A character who has proficiency with the Herbalism Kit can create a Potion of Healing. Doing so requires using that kit and 250 SP of raw material over the course of 1 day (8 hours of work).

Scribing Spell Scrolls

A spellcaster can transfer a spell to a scroll and create a Spell Scroll, using the rules below.

Time and Cost

Scribing a scroll takes an amount of time and money based on the level of the spell, as shown in the Spell Scroll Costs table. For each day of inscription, you must work for 8 hours. If a scroll requires multiple days, those days needn't be consecutive.

Prerequisites for the Scribe

To scribe a scroll, you must have proficiency in the Arcana skill or with Calligrapher's Supplies and have the spell prepared on each day of the inscription. You must also have at hand any Material components required by the spell; if the spell consumes its Material components, they are consumed only when you complete the scroll. The scroll's spell uses your spell save DC and spell attack bonus.


If the scribed spell is a cantrip, the version on the scroll works as if the caster were your level.

Spell Scroll Table
Rarity Spell Level Save DC Attack Bonus Scribing Time Scribing Cost
Common Cantrip 13 +5 1 day 150 SP
Common Level 1 13 +5 1 day 250 SP
Uncommon Level 2 13 +5 3 days 1,000 SP
Uncommon Level 3 15 +7 5 days 1,500 SP
Rare Level 4 15 +7 10 days 10,000 SP
Rare Level 5 17 +9 25 days 15,000 SP
Very Rare Level 6 17 +9 40 days 100,000 SP
Very Rare Level 7 18 +10 50 days 125,000 SP
Very Rare Level 8 18 +10 60 days 150,000 SP
Legendary Level 9 19 +11 120 days 500,000 SP