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"A good blade's worth more than any fire-spitter. A gun's only as strong as its powder and steel, but a sword or an axe? Aye, that's as strong as the arm that swings it—and there's no arm stronger than a dwarf!"

Gun weapons, shortened as guns and often referred to as firearms, are unique mid-range to long-range weapons that use a special explosive charge known as 'cordite' to propel projectiles known as "bullets" over long distances. These weapons were brought over by the Londoners and are used exclusively by their people.

Firearm Proficiency

In the Crown & Misery setting, firearms are rare weapons powered by Cordite, a volatile substance rendered inert near creatures attuned to the Weave. This unique interaction makes firearms largely ineffective for most Antares races, except Londoners, who are not inherently tied to the Weave.

Firearms require a special proficiency distinct from Simple or Martial weapons. They are unaffected by mechanics that apply to Cold Weapons, such as certain enchantments or abilities.

Most classes lack Firearm proficiency unless specifically granted by a background, species feature, or other traits. While the basic operation of firearms—pull the trigger, it fires—is widely understood, wielding them effectively requires suppressing one’s connection to the Weave, making them particularly challenging for magic users. Non-magical individuals are more adept at mastering these weapons.

Lack of Proficiency

If a character isn’t proficient with firearms, their ability to use them is hindered by their magical connection to the Weave. This restriction affects mechanics associated with firearms with the following rules below. These rules is obviously ignored whenever a character gain Proficiency with Firearms.

Attack Rolls When making an attack roll with a Firearm without proficiency, the roll is reduced by twice a number equal to the highest spell slot level the character can expend or use. For example, a Wizard who can use a level 5 spell slot at its respective level will have -10 to their attack roll using Firearms. If the Wizard gain a level which allows it to use a level 6 spell slots, this penalty increases to -12.

Mastery Creature that lacks proficiency with Firearms can't use its Mastery property, regardless if it has a class feature that allows it.

Firearm Table

The Firearm tables in this section shows the game's main weapons. These table lists the cost and weight of each weapon, as well as the following details:

Category Every weapon falls into a category: Short-Arm and Long-Arm. Weapon proficiencies are usually tied to one of these categories. For example, you might have proficiency with Simple weapons.
 Firearms are considered Ranged weapons for the purposes of effects, abilities, feats, and spells that refer to weapons unless a restriction or limitation explicitly prevents their use. If an ability or spell refers to "ranged weapons" or simply "weapons," firearms are included unless stated otherwise.

Damage The table lists the amount of damage a weapon deals when an attacker hits with it as well as the type of that damage.

Properties Any properties a weapon has are listed in the Properties column. Each property is defined in the Properties section.

Mastery Each weapon has a mastery property, which is defined in the Mastery Properties section. To use or replace that property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.


The Short-Arm Table include pistols, revolvers, and other small, easily concealable weapons. These are ideal for close-quarters combat and provide a good balance between firepower and maneuverability.

Name damage properties mastery weight cost
Revolver 2d4 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 60/180), Reload (6) Sap M. 3,000 SP
Sawn-Off Shotgun 1d4 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 30/60), Automatic, Reload (2), Scatter (1d10) Push M. 2,500 SP
Semi-Auto Pistol 1d6 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 60/180), Automatic, Light, Reload (12) Vex M. 3,400 SP
Submachine Gun 1d6 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 40/120), Automatic (+3), Reload (28), Two-handed Spray M. 4,000 SP


The Long-arm Table encompass rifles and other longer-range weapons. These are designed for mid to long-range engagements, offering greater accuracy and firepower compared to short-arms.

Name damage properties mastery weight cost
Automatic Rifle 1d8 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 80/240), Automatic (+2), Heavy, Reload (12), Two-handed Spray L. 6,500 SP
Machine Gun 1d10 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 120/360), Automatic (+2), Heavy, Reload (50), Two-Handed Spray XL. 10,000 SP
Marksmen Rifle 2d6 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 120/360), Reload (6), Sighted, Two-handed Vex L. 5,000 SP
Over-under Shotgun 1d8 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 30/90), Automatic, Reload (2), Scatter (2d8), Two-handed Slow M. 3,500 SP
Pump Shotgun 1d8 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 40/120), Automatic, Heavy, Reload (7), Scatter (1d12), Two-handed Push M. 5,000 SP
Semi-Auto Rifle 2d4 image/svg+xml Ps. Ammunition ( Range 100/300), Automatic, Heavy, Reload (8), Two-handed Vex L. 6,500 SP