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Downtime Activity: Carousing

Carousing is a default downtime activity for many characters. Between adventures, who doesn't want to relax with a few drinks and a group of friends at a tavern?


Carousing covers a workweek of fine food, strong drink, and socializing. A character can attempt to carouse among lower-, middle-, or upper-class folk. A character can carouse with the lower class for 100 SP to cover expenses, or 500 SP for the middle class. Carousing with the upper class requires 2500 SP for the workweek and access to the local nobility.

A character with the noble background can mingle with the upper class, but other characters can do so only if you judge that the character has made sufficient contacts. Alternatively, a character might use a disguise kit and the Deception skill to pass as a noble visiting from a distant city.


After a workweek of carousing, a character stands to make contacts within the selected social class. The character makes a Charisma (Persuasion) check using the Carousing table.

Check Total Result Affiliation Points
1-5 Character has made a hostile contact. +1 to any
6-10 Character has made no new contacts. -
11-15 Character has made an allied contact. +2 to any
16-20 Character has made two allied contacts. +2 to any or +1 to two unique
21+ Character has made three allied contacts. +3 to any, +1 to three unique, or +2 and +1 to any unique