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Downtime Activity: Training (Revised)

With sufficient free time and the guidance of an instructor, a character may use downtime to learn a new language, gain a new proficiency, or even advance to Expertise in an existing proficiency.


Receiving training for a specific Proficiency typically takes the 10 Workweek - (your Int. Mod + any additional bonuses)

The Training Price Table below shows the types of training available, as well as the silver cost per workweek for each proficiency. In addition to the monetary cost, training requires the character to meet the prerequisite and also the availability of a qualified instructor.

Training Price Table
Training Prerequisite SP per 1 workweek
1 Tool Proficiency - 250 SP
1 Skill Proficiency - 250 SP
1 Skill Expertise - 500 SP
1 Language, Standard - 250 SP
1 Language, Exotic Know at least 4 Standard Language 400 SP
Armour Training, Light (Includes Shield) - 500 SP
Armour Training, Medium Light Armour Training 800 SP
Armour Training, Heavy Medium Armour Training 1.200 SP
Simple Weapon Proficiency - 100 SP
Martial Weapon Proficiency Proficiency with Simple Weapon 500 SP
Short-Arm ProficiencyCM Proficiency with Simple Weapon 1.500 SP
Long-Arm ProficiencyCM Proficiency with Short-Arm 3.000 SP


Complications that arise while training typically involve the teacher. Every ten workweeks spent in training brings a 25 % chance of a complication, examples of which are on the Training Complications table.

Training Complications
d20 Complication
1 Your instructor disappears, requiring you to spend an extra workweek to locate a new one.*
2 Your instructor uses rare, outdated methods that attract curious (and sometimes negative) attention.
3 Your instructor turns out to be a spy sent to gather information on you.*
4 Your instructor is a known criminal with a dangerous reputation.
5 Your instructor is extremely demanding and critiques everything, including your hairstyle and life choices.
6 Your instructor requests help dealing with a personal threat.
7 Your instructor believes in "character-building" through harsh treatment, like waking you up at dawn by dumping cold water on you.
8 Your instructor has an endless list of personal grievances and regularly ropes you into long rants.
9 Local guards mistake your training for a "disturbance" and drop by often to make sure "no one's in trouble."
10 Your instructor insists you train in random public places, leading to awkward encounters with curious townsfolk.
11 Your instructor gets injured halfway through your training, but insists it's "just a scratch."*
12 Your instructor decides that learning through riddles and puzzles is the best way forward, turning your training into a cryptic nightmare.
13 Your instructor's pet (a troublesome creature of the DM's choice) is constantly underfoot, tripping you up and stealing your supplies.
14 Your instructor insists on a "holistic approach" that involves singing and dancing, much to your chagrin.
15 The training location is suddenly overrun by pests. You'll need to handle this infestation before proceeding.*
16 Your instructor has a dramatic falling-out with a local guild, complicating your access to necessary resources.
17 Your instructor's old rival shows up, interrupting sessions to mock their techniques and challenge them to petty duels.*
18 The town's bard catches wind of your training and writes a satirical song about it that quickly becomes popular.
19 A local noble decides to observe your training... and won't stop making "helpful" suggestions.*
20 Your instructor reveals they are, in fact, your arch-nemesis you didn't know you had. Roll Initiative.*

*Might involve a rival