This is a Homebrew Mechanic!
You just stumbled into a Homebrew mechanic! This ruling is orginally designed by Tyler Legg & Jacob Vickers, and it is heavily modified to fit more into the Crown & Misery campaign.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guild | Reddit
In this campaign, inventories are managed differently than in your typical D&D game where items have weight (ain't nobody got time for that). Instead, for the sake of convenience, inventory is calculated using slots, similar to some video games.
Carrying Capacity
Your size and Strength score determine the amount of inventory slots that you have, as shown in the Carrying Capacity table. The table also shows the maximum weight you can drag, lift, or push.
While dragging, lifting, or pushing weight in excess of the maximum weight you can carry, your Speed can be no more than 5 feet.
Carrying Capacity
Creature Size | Inventory Slots | Drag/Lift/Push |
Tiny | Str. ÷ 2 | Str. |
Small/Medium | Str. | Str. × 2 |
Large | Str. × 2 | Str. × 4 |
Huge | Str. × 4 | Str. × 8 |
Gargantuan | Str. × 8 | Str. × 16 |
Weight to Slots Calculations Each item in your inventory occupies a certain number of slots based on its weight based on the Item Weight table. This system simplifies item management by categorising items into four weight classes:
Item Weight
Weight Class | Abbrv. | Weight Range | Inventory Slots Used |
Diminutive | XS- | Less than 1 lb. | 5 Items per 1 Slot |
Compact | S- | 1 lb. to 5 lbs. | 2 Items per 1 Slot |
Moderate | M- | 6 lbs. to 10 lbs. | 1 Item per 1 Slot |
Cumbersome | L- | 11 lbs. to 20 lbs. | 2 Slots for 1 Item |
Bulky | XL- | 21 lbs. to 30 lbs. | 3 Slots for 1 Item |
Enormous | XXL- | 31 lbs. to 50 lbs. | 4 Slots for 1 Item |
Monstrous | 3L. | 51 lbs. or more | 6 Slots for 1 Item |
Additional Spaces
Additional Spaces are specialised inventory slots for your character. These slots can only hold specific types of items or equipment, and anything stored in these spaces does not count towards your total Inventory Slots.
Any item worn by your character, such as Armour, clothing, Necklaces, Rings, etc., does not take up Inventory Slots.
You have 4 spaces on your person for usable items, such as Weapons, Shields, or Quivers. Items in these spaces does not take up Inventory Slots.
You have 1 space designated for a backpack. A backpack increases your available Inventory Slots by the amount it provides.