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You just stumbled into a Homebrew mechanic! This game material is made by me! I just hate tracking different currencies.

The Silver Standard

Long before London ascended to prominence, before Antares was shattered by the Second Warp Maelstorm, and before Abberations prowled the lands, Gallia stood as the very visage of Antares. Its dominion stretched across nearly half the continent, with its capital, Lyon, pulsating as the heart of the entire realm.

Though time has eroded Gallia's grandeur, its population, and its influence, its legacy endures. It survives in the form of Le Système Gallien (The Gallian Standard), which encompasses Standardised Spellcasting System and, most crucially, the Gallian Silver Standard—a system still in use today, even by the most formidable of contemporary nations.


The Silver Standard is an additional mechanic in Crown & Misery designed to simplify currency management in D&D. It replaces the many currencies found in the 2014 PHB—such as Copper Pieces (CP), Silver Pieces (SP), Gold Pieces (GP), and Platinum Pieces (PP)—with a single, standardised currency known as the "Gallian Franc." For ease of use and recall, this currency is simply referred to as Silver or SP.


Under the Silver Standard, all currency is converted to Silver Pieces (SP). This means players will only need to track SP, making currency management simpler, under the conversion rate below:

Standard Exchange Rates
Coin cp sp ep gp pp
Copper (cp) 1 1/10 1/50 1/100 1/1,000
Silver (sp) 10 1 1/5 1/10 1/100
Electrum (ep) 50 5 1 1/2 1/20
Gold (gp) 100 10 2 1 1/10
Platinum (pp) 1,000 100 20 10 1

When an item is priced at less than 10 Copper Pieces (CP), it will be treated as if you are purchasing it in bulk until the total equals 1 Silver Piece (SP). For example, an item priced at 5 CP will be considered as buying 2 items priced at 5 CP each, totalling 10 CP, which equals 1 SP.

Most of what is written in this Wiki has already been converted to SP. However, if you encounter any amounts listed in GP or other currencies, they should be converted into SP accordingly.