The Aasimar (both singular and plural) are an Ancient race in Antares.
"Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus"
Aasimar are humanoid beings resembling other species, particularly humans or those once touched by the Upper Planes in ancient eras. Their lifespans average around a century, and they are easily recognised by their radiant eyes, hovering halos, and luminous wings, which vary in shape and size. Though semi-translucent in appearance, these features are physical manifestations that fade upon an Aasimar’s death.
In Antares, Aasimar are widely associated with justice, though interpretations of the concept vary. Their unique connection to Falcone, the Spire of Judgement, often leads to the assumption that they are bound to its will. However, while the Spire influences them, they retain free agency, leading to a diversity of beliefs and methods in their pursuit of justice.
Aasimar are primarily found in Soterrano, where they form the majority of the population. Their innate aptitude for divine magic sees them frequently serving in law enforcement and judicial roles within the subterranean nation. However, despite their prominence, Soterrano’s governance restricts Aasimar from holding high political office, ensuring no single race dominates its ruling structure.
Legacy of Vorthalas
Long before the Second Maelstrom, Aasimar did not exist as a distinct race. Instead, they were ordinary mortals, chosen and blessed by the Aeginae Vorthalas, the Engraver. Those who displayed unwavering dedication to justice—or what Vorthalas deemed justice—were granted divine power, transforming them into Aasimar. Many took up the mantle of paladins, while others awakened latent sorcerous abilities.
As the Aasimar spread across Antares, so too did the teachings of Vorthalas. However, the Aeginae were a dying race—many fell to time, war, or other unknown causes. In the end, Vorthalas itself was overthrown by one of its own creations, an Aasimar named Falcone, who ascended to become the Spire of Judgement.
With Vorthalas’ fall, the Aasimar lost their original patron. Yet, Falcone’s ascension altered them, granting them new abilities alongside new limitations. They gained the power to manifest angelic wings and, under specific conditions, to fly. However, they also became bound to the Spire’s influence. When venturing too far from Soterrano, Aasimar suffer from progressive mental deterioration, including memory loss, emotional detachment, and sociopathic tendencies. The full extent of these effects remains uncertain.
Vorthalas' Betrayal and Falcone’s Ascension
“How much wrong can be righted before it becomes wrong?”
— The Final Koan of Vorthalas
The fall of the Aeginae remains a subject of speculation, but the downfall of Vorthalas is among the most well-documented events in history. Its philosophy on justice was encapsulated in a single koan, meant as a warning: How much wrong can be righted before it becomes wrong?
Yet, in the end, Vorthalas failed to heed its own lesson. As it neared death, it became the very thing it once warned against—a zealot consumed by the pursuit of absolute justice. Its vision of retribution turned indiscriminate, unleashing devastation across Antares. The Aasimar, once its devoted followers, were forced to slay their own patron.
The battle against the Engraver was brutal. However, one Aasimar’s conviction surpassed even that of an Aeginae. In that moment, they absorbed Vorthalas’ power, transcending mortality to become Falcone, the Spire of Judgement. This marked both the end of the Aeginae’s rule and the beginning of the Aasimar’s modern era.