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The Elves (singular: Elf) are an Ancient race in Antares.

"Qui totum vult, totum perdit"


Elves are an umbrella term for people originating from the vast, Fey forests of Antares. This classification primarily includes High Elves (Ilmarian) and Wood Elves (Vainolian), with the Drow (Tuonari) also sharing a common ancestry, despite their cultural distinctions. Elves are characterised by their tall, graceful physiques, long pointed ears, and an ethereal appearance that often sets them apart from other races. Historically, Elves enjoyed extended lifespans that preserved their youth indefinitely; however, this longevity was diminished following the destruction of Yggdrasil in a costly war, reducing their lifespan to approximately 300 years.

As one of the oldest races on Antares, the Elves once wielded dominance throughout the continent with their empire, Tähdenvalta. However, this supremacy ended after a war with Albion that left their homeland erased from the continent. In the aftermath, Elves faced reprisal from other races who had long endured their dominance. Now displaced and scattered, they exist as a widespread diaspora across Antares. Following the establishment of Valinor in the northern wastes, however, many Elves have begun migrating to this new homeland in hopes of rebuilding their society and culture.


Origin Myth

Being the earliest race to dwell on Antares, they emerged alongside the formation of the world itself. According to ancient lore, the goddess Ilmatar shaped the skies and seas, and from these forces arose the high elves. Meanwhile, the god Väinämöinen brought forth forests and life to the once-barren lands, from which the wood elves emerged. These lands eventually become the Antares continent we knew.

However, a period known as the "Dissolution of Eons," or the First Maelstorm occurs, causing the extinction of these gods. With their creator now gone, the high elves and wood elves, turned against one another. Their conflict plunged the continent into war, fracturing their once-shared legacy.

Those who did not partake in the war, were cast out. Exiled into the deep caverns formed by the aftermath of the First Maelstorm, these outcasts encountered a colossal leviathan known as Ouroboros. This ancient being, now called "Aeginae" granted them attunement to the underground world, allowing them to survive in the harsh and shadowy depths. From this encounter, the first Drows were born.

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life was the symbol of unity between the High Elves and the Wood Elves. Its growth can be traced back to a period when the leviathan of judgment, Vorthalas, rained down apocalypse upon the lands. Prior to this, the two elven factions hated each other, but facing a greater threat, they united. Though numerous, they were nothing in the face of a raging Aeginae, so they sought knowledge left behind by their creators.

After decades of searching through Antares, they discovered a vault which contains knowledge that the Precursors left behind and with it, the elves managed to forge an artifact that projected a colossal dome in the sky, saving them from the wrath of Vorthalas. At the point where this dome emerged, a tree grew, which became known as the Tree of Life, symbolising the unity between the High Elves and the Wood Elves.

Though this artifact no longer functions, the tree somehow managed to grow to a colossal size and became the centre of the Elves' religion. This tree was named Yggdrasil.


Since the fall of Tähdenvalta, what remains of the elves, scattered across Antares, have been relegated to the lowest levels of society. Ironically, the exception is Albion, the very nation that destroyed their homeland. Years of elven domination have fostered deep resentment among the races of Antares, and many are quick to invent various racial slurs against them.

With the exception of Albion and Myrkheim, few nations distinguish between the High Elves and the Wood Elves, often lumping them into a single category. Social discrimination and oppression against the elves are widespread across Antares, manifesting in exclusion from social welfare, apartheid policies, exploitation as mercenary pawns on battlefields, and even inhumane experimentation.

Some elves, however, embraced this discrimination and used the stereotypes against them as a rallying cry for unity. The intense persecution has left some embittered and vengeful, despite attempts by others to move on from the past. As a result, political groups and parties fueled by these ideals began to emerge.

This discrimination reached its peak when Valinor was in its early stages of establishment. Nations such as Gallia, Karakorum: The Kamikaze, and remnants of the Soterrani Inquisitions attempted to undermine its creation as a haven for the elves. However, due to the cold northern climate and Albion's political pressure, this conflict was largely contained, preventing it from escalating further.