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Lore Glossary



Abhumans, or Aberrant Humans, are a subgroup of humans, also known as "Londoners." Characterised by their human traits, but lacking a connection to the Weave and possessing a weaker physical strength compared to other species found on Antares.

In modern times, the term has taken on a derogatory connotation, used in Gallian society to refer to those of lower social status.



The Aeginae are colossal leviathans, now nearly extinct, who once usurped the ancient deities that ruled Antares, only to be ironically dethroned by the Spires. These mighty beings shaped the very landscape of Antares—their tears forming seas, their Movements moulding mountains, and their breath grafted the skies.



Ancient are the majority of humanoid inhabitants in Antares, comprising Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Half Elf, Human, Orc, and Tiefling.

Boiler Rifles


Boiler Rifles were ranged weapons used by Londoners before the discovery of Cordite. These short-lived weapons utilised high-pressure steam to propel projectiles at high speeds. Though less efficient than Cordite-based firearms, they served as a temporary solution in the fight against the Elves.

Book of Grudge

Culture, Myrkheim

The Book of Grudge is not an actual book but a legendary compilation of civilisations, societies, and communities that have been destroyed (or are in the process of being destroyed) by the dwarves of Myrkheim. Each entry signifies a deep-seated grievance, marking those who have wronged the dwarves in any significant way. To be inscribed within this "book" is to invite the wrath of Myrkheim upon you.

Brabazon Fleet

Infrastructure, London

The Brabazon Fleet is a series of colossal mobile penal colonies, constructed by London, that also function as mobile factories. These massive vessels house convicts, debtors, the poor, and the sick, all forced into relentless labour to fuel London's industrial might. The denizens of the Fleet often refer to it as the "Brabazon Workworld," as once you enter, it becomes your entire world for life. Inhabitants work in brutal conditions, producing goods, maintaining machinery, and extracting resources from hazardous regions

See Also: Nomadic Cities



Cataphract are heavily armoured walkers equipped with powerful cannons and lethal close-combat weaponry, designed to withstand both physical damage and spells. These piloted machines form the backbone of London's assault spearheads. Encountering a Cataphract on the battlefield is a situation no one wants to be in.

Citadel Cities


Citadel Cities are the last bastions of civilization in Antares, formed by merging multiple urban centres into one heavily fortified enclave. Towering walls protect these cities, and venturing beyond them is perilous without careful preparation. Each nation builds its Citadel differently—some using advanced materials, others repurposing mountains or cave systems. A few nations rely on harsh natural conditions instead of fortified walls for protection.



Cordite is a volatile substance used to propel projectiles in firearms and other London-based weaponry. Refined from rare minerals found only in certain regions of Antares, it burns with immense energy, enabling the magic-less Londoners to rival the magical capabilities of other nations.

Interestingly, Cordite rapidly becomes inert when in close proximity to those attuned to the Weave. This unique trait makes it unreliable for most non-Londoners, as even minor magical attunement neutralises its potency.

"The discovery of Cordite was, ironically, an accident. Produced by Elven alchemists as a weapon to obliterate their invaders, it was designed to be stable only in the hands of those bonded with the Weave, but volatile when near those who not. Yet, the plan backfired spectacularly when the Londoners learned to tame and weaponise it. What was intended to bring their ruin instead became the key to their military might—turning the tides and sealing the elves fate."

"Blud made racist gunpowder. Truly a skill issue" —London Scientiest

Dominion of Albion (London)


The Dominion of Albion is the home of the Londoners and occupies the largest territory in Antares. Characterised by its appetite for expansion and might, Albion boasts the strongest military in the region alongside a behemoth of industry, solidifying its status as a hegemonic power in Antares.



Colossal land-based ships. Dreadnoughts are vital for trade, transport, and communication across Antares. These vehicles connect nations and Cities, with some cities' survival relying on the trade routes they provide. Only a few nations can manufacture Dreadnoughts, leading others to purchase and even outright steal them from other nations (see 'idk insert anything here).


Military, Mykrheim

Fjellvokters are a specialised branch of the dwarven army. While dwarves are typically short and stocky, this unit exhibits exceptional agility due to their advanced gear and rigorous training. Using waist-mounted grappling hooks and pulleys, the Fjellvokters can swiftly traverse mountainous terrain and launch themselves at their enemies with remarkable speed and precision.

Gallian Revolution

Historical Event

The Gallian Revolution erupted as a response to centuries of mounting dissatisfaction towards the Gallian royal family. Their inaction in the aftermath of the Second Maelstorm, combined with severe civil inequality, fuelled the unrest that culminated in one of the bloodiest events in Gallian history.

In the aftermath, many commoners fled the empire, seeking refuge in other nations, while the nobility both tightened and loosened their grip on society—cementing their rule yet adopting measures to maintain control in a fractured and uneasy Gallia.

See also: Toulouse Exodus

Galway Blight

Historical Event

The Galway Blight, also known as the Great Blight, was a catastrophic crop failure in the city of Galway, Albion, caused by Elven Druids sabotage during the Great Split. The blight not only ravaged the land but also turned those who consumed the tainted crops into mindless, walking corpses. In a desperate bid to contain the outbreak, the city was firebombed, wiping out its entire population, both infected and innocent alike.


Location, Myrkheim

A dwarven city constructed within a gigantic crater, located at a safe distance from the cold northern wastes. Renowned for its large, clear lake and pleasant weather, it has become a popular destination for tourism in recent years.

Imperial Spellcasting Standard

System, Gallia

A formalised system developed by Gallia that serves as the foundation for spellcasting practices across the empire and beyond.

This comprehensive framework categorises spells according to their schools of magic, such as Abjuration, Evocation, and more, while also classifying their strength by level, ranging from 1 to 9. By establishing these standards, Gallia aimed to create a uniform approach to magic, facilitating training and ensuring consistency in spellcasting practices among its practitioners.

Its influence on magical education and spellcasting remains evident throughout Antares, even after multidude of challenges.


Infrastructure, Valinor

A massive steam-powered furnace-engine, serving as the primary source of heat and power in Valinor, it shields the last and only elven city from extinction by the relentless cold of the northern wastes.

Isambard Line

Infrastructure, Albion - Valinor

A continent-spanning suspended rail network. This monumental construction project was initiated by London with the assistance of Valinor to foster reconciliation following the Great Split. However, the project was ultimately abandoned due to the Great War, leaving behind scattered prefabricated sections across Antares.

See Also: Great War, The Great Split

Millennium Dawn


The Millennium Dawn marks the age that began 200 years after the Second Maelstorm, characterised by the fall of the Tahdenvalta Empire and the aftermath of the Great Split.

This era signifies a new period for Antares, as societies adapt to the new balance of power, technology slowly replaces magic in every part of societies, and the remnants of the old world collide with the burgeoning innovations of the Londoners.

New London

Location, Albion

New London is the capital of the Dominion of Albion and serves as the new beating heart of the British Empire. This city is characterised by its towering steel edifices and skies choke full of pollution and airships. It stands as a symbol of the future of Antares—or perhaps, its only future.

Nomadic Cities


Nomadic Cities are an innovative urban solution proposed by London to combat the increasing intensity of Warp Storms. Designed to eventually replace static Citadel Cities, these mobile urban centres would move according to needs and purpose, allowing them to evade Warp Storms before they strike.

Primordial Sea


A vast and perilous ocean surrounding Antares, notorious for its violent storms, catastrophic events, and the presence of incomprehensible beasts lurking in its depths. Largely unexplored and feared, the sea is avoided by most due to the extreme dangers it presents. Only the Karakorum Fleet has managed to navigate, tame, and settle its treacherous waters.

See Also: Karakorum Fleet



Spires are god-like, higher-dimensional beings embodying a single philosophical concept or path known as an Ascent. These beings construct stars, destroy worlds, and their very presence imprints itself upon reality. Despite their near-boundless power and authority, Spires are paradoxically constrained by the principles they represent, unable to act outside the bounds of their core essence.

The Mist Veil


The Mist Veil is a dense, white wall of mist surrounding the outer edge of Antares' primordial sea. Legends claim that beyond lies the resting place of the stars. Those who venture into the Mist Veil are never seen again, with one exception (see: Karakorum: the Majapahit). Its purpose—whether to keep inhabitants within or to bar something from entering Antares—remains unknown.

The Gallian Standard System

System, Gallia

The Gallian Standard System, or Le Système Gallien, is a foundational framework for nation-building that served as a baseline for many nations prior to the Second Maelstorm. Originating from the imperial policies of Gallia, it encompasses guidelines for economic structures, political governance, and social organisation, promoting stability and order among diverse cultures. The system emphasises centralised authority, resource management, and a hierarchical approach to governance.

Although largely abandoned, its influence can still be observed across various nations, manifesting in remnants of its economic models and governance structures.

The Wilderness


An umbrella term for the vast regions outside the Citadel Cities, The Wilderness encompasses a variety of landscapes, from lush fields and deep jungles to arid deserts, all inhabited by aberrations and other dangers. The farther one strays from the safety of the Citadel Cities, the more dangerous it becomes.

Toulouse Exodus

Historical Event

The Toulouse Exodus was a mass emmigration of Gallian scholars from the city of Toulouse. This brain drain occurred in the aftermath of the Gallian Revolution, following the capital's decree that banned the study of Technomancy—a school of magic that studies the combination of technology and magic. The ban led to a catastrophic brain drain, as some of Gallia's brightest minds fled the nation in search of places where their work could thrive.

"The empire needs this to survive the coming centuries, yet those bastards are as stubborn as a mule!" — Gallian scholar during the Toulouse Exodus

Warp Crystals (Voidite)


Warp Crystals, also known as Voidite, are crystal-like minerals formed in the aftermath of Warp Storms or growing on the corpses of aberrations. These crystals possess immense energy, and when harnessed correctly, they can power entire industries. In western Antares, particulary Myrkheim and London, they serve as the primary fuel source for numerous machines and factories, including the Valinor's Generator (Irminsul), which sustains the region's survival in the harsh northern wastes.