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Voidite is a semi-transparent crystalline mineral, primarily formed as a byproduct of Warp Storms and their derivatives. It has become a symbol of both stagnation and progress, destruction and creation, within Antares.


Voidite can be found both near the surface and deep underground. However, the largest deposits are located at sites of Warp Storms, where the storms assimilate organic materials and transform them into Voidite clusters. These clusters further act as catalysts, amplifying the intensity of the storms.

The mineral also has a limited capacity for self-replication. This occurs either through its connection to Warp Storms or when Warp Entities are destroyed, causing small amounts of Voidite to "bloom" from their remains.

Prior to the Great Split, Voidite was widely regarded as a nuisance and a symbol of corruption due to its connection to the Warp. However, as Warp Storms grew more intense across the continent, Albion pioneered its utilisation, discovering its exceptionally high energy yield when refined. This led to a technological revolution in Antares.

As more nations recognised its potential, Voidite-based technologies were rapidly adopted. Among the first major advancements was the creation of Dreadnoughts, which became a hallmark of this new era.


Voidite is not an inert substance; it is inherently unstable and exhibits a form of sentience. Its corruptive and memetic properties make it highly dangerous. Prolonged exposure without proper protection results in Voidite "infecting" the mind, causing gradual psychological deterioration. Once a certain threshold is reached, the affected individual undergoes a psychic breakdown and transforms into a Warp Entity.

To mitigate these risks, strict containment measures are employed. Voidite is typically stored in sealed containers or behind tinted glass, as dispersing its emitted light helps maintain the mental stability of those nearby.


Voidite clusters are frequently found in heavily contaminated areas, particularly within Warp Storms or their aftermath. These surface-level formations are highly unstable and significantly more corruptive than common Voidite. Before its industrialisation, Voidite shards were often used as tools of psychological warfare—grinding them into fine dust and contaminating an enemy's supplies was a surefire way to drive them into chaos and insanity.

Voidite ores occur naturally as mineral deposits, with their value and density typically increasing with depth. Surface-level Voidite, often gathered from shallow caves or harvested from the remains of dead aberrations, is fragile and yields only modest amounts of energy when processed. In contrast, high-density Voidite, found deep underground, is far more valuable and requires advanced mining techniques and specialised equipment to extract.

Ground Zero

Main Article: Warp Storm (Ground Zero)

For many nations, the lack of advanced mining capabilities comparable to those of the Dwarves or the Londoners poses a significant challenge. One solution to their need for Voidite lies in sourcing high-density Voidite from Ground Zero—locations directly impacted by Warp Storms. Although these sites are fraught with dangers and teeming with aberrations, the rewards often outweigh the risks and sacrifices.

To harvest Voidite from these Ground Zeros, nations rely on Prospectors—individuals tasked with venturing into Ground Zero to retrieve Voidite for further processing. Though the inherent dangers of the Warp would often take a toll, with most Prospectors are known to suffer from varying degrees of insanity.