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PHB'24 Combat Manoeuvre

This page contains a list of all Combat Manoeuvre that is Homebrew

Arresting Strike

When you hit a creature with an attack roll, you can expend one Superiority Die to attempt to hinder the target's Movement. Add the Superiority Die to the attack's damage roll. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or it's Speed is halved until the start of your next turn.

Brace Up

Prerequisites: Constitution 11+

You prepare yourself to take a hit. As a Bonus Action, you can expend one Superiority Die to gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Superiority Die + your Constitution modifier. Temporary Hit Points from this Manoeuvre only last for 1 minute.

First Aid

Prerequisites: Wisdom (Medicine) proficiency

As a Utilise action, you touch a willing, living creature and expend Superiority Dice (up to your Proficiency Bonus). For every Superiority Die you spent, that creature regains Hit Points equal to one roll of its Hit Die + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 0).

Rustic Intuition

Prerequisites: Wisdom 11+

When you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature) check, you can expend one Superiority Die and add that die to the check.

Scholary Recall

Prerequisites: Intelligence 11+

When you make a Intelligence (Arcana, History, or Religion) check, you can expend one Superiority Die and add that die to the check.

Subtle Con

Prerequisites: Dexterity or Charisma 11+

When you make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Charisma (Deception or Performance) check, you can expend one Superiority Die and add that die to the check.