Ranger's Aptitude
Below are the Aptitudes available to the Ranger. If an Aptitude has a prerequisite, like your Ranger level or another Aptitude, you can learn it at the same time that you meet all of that Aptitude's prerequisites.
Origin Aptitude
What were you before you've taken the mantle of a Ranger?
Every Ranger has a unique origin, these aptitude belongs in Origin category.
Bounty Hunter
Your expertise in hunting bounties stands out. You gain proficiency in Insight and Investigation. In addition, creatures has Disadvantage on saves to resist or end the Grappled or Restrained condition caused by you.
You specialise in hunting those not native to your realm. You gain proficiency in Arcana and Religion. In addition, you can also cast Protection from Evil and Good once without expending a spell slot
Mage Breaker
You have a background in battling spellcasters. You gain proficiency in Arcana and Insight. In addition, you know the True Strike cantrip.
Ranger Knight
You have sworn to serve a crown or nation and aim to bring its foes to ruin. You gain proficiency in History and Perception, In addition, you gain training with with Heavy armour.
Sanctified Hunter
You have sworn to hunt the enemies of a holy or druidic order. You gain proficiency in Investigation and Religion. In addition, you know the Sacred Flame cantrip.
Beast Tamer
You have cultivated a strong bond with animals and nature. Whenever you would make an Intelligence (Nature), you can choose to make a Wisdom (Nature) check instead. In addition, you can cast Find Familiar, but only as a Ritual.
Explorer's Aptitude
What lies within the towering walls, and what hides beyond the wild expanse?
These aptitude belongs in Explorer category.
Urban Tracker
You are an expert at navigating the urban labyrinth as well as the wilds. You gain Proficiency in Acrobatics and Sleight of Hand. In addition, you know the Thieves' Cant language.
Wasteland Wanderer
You have spent endless days surviving desolate wastelands. Choose one of the following damage types: Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison. You gain Resistance to the chosen damage type.
Repeatable You can choose this Aptitude again, choosing different damage type each time.
Planar Wanderer
Prerequisite: Level 6+ Ranger
Choose one of the following damage types: Force, Necrotic, Psychic, or Radiant. You gain Resistance to the chosen damage type.
Repeatable You can choose this Aptitude again, choosing different damage type each time.
Strategist's Aptitude
Through wit and wisdom, even the wildest ranger can master the art of cunning and strategy.
These aptitudes belong in the Strategist category, focusing on tactical skill, versatility, and clever utilisation of resources.
Cunning Technique
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Ranger
You learn some rougish techniques. Choose one of the following Actions, you can use a Bonus Action to take it: Dodge, Disengage, or Hide.
Repeatable You can choose this Aptitude again, choosing a different action each time.
Hedge Knight
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Ranger
Though you wander the wilds, you still understood the intricacy of politics. Whenever you make an ability check using one of the following skills, you can make it as a Wisdom check even if it normally uses a different ability: History, Intimidation, or Persuasion.
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Ranger
You learn how to utilise divine magic. When you hit the target of your Hunter's Mark with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike , you can change the spell's bonus damage type to Radiant or Necrotic damage (choose each time) instead of Force.
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Ranger
During a Short Rest, you can recover spell slots of a combined level equal to your Wisdom modifier. Once you do, you must finish a Long Rest before you can use this feature again.
Slayer's Aptitude
One target, one focus—let no prey escape your mark.
These aptitudes belong in the Slayer category, which enhances the Ranger's Hunter's Mark spell.
Slayer I
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Ranger
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike you can cast Hunter's Mark at the target as part of the attack, applying its damage bonus and other benefits (if any) to the damage roll.
Slayer II: Ambush Tactics
Prerequisite: Level 6+ Ranger, Slayer I
When you roll Initiative, you can take a Reaction to cast Hunter's Mark.
Slayer III: Isolation
Prerequisite: Level 14+ Ranger, Slayer II
Once per turn, when you hit the target of your Hunter's Mark with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike , you can force the target must succeed a CON Save, or it has the Blinded and Silenced condition.
Strider's Aptitude
The path is yours to forge—no obstacle shall hinder your journey.
These aptitudes belong in the Strider category, focusing on mobility, freedom of Movement, and overcoming terrain-based hinderance.
Strider I
Prerequisite: Level 3+ Ranger
You ignore the effects of Difficult Terrain caused by natural environments or terrain.
Strider II: Unhindered Steps
Prerequisite: Level 6+ Ranger, Strider I
You ignore the effects of any Difficult Terrain imposed by spells, magical phenomena, or any other supernatural effect.
Strider III: Trailblazer
Prerequisite: Level 12+ Ranger, Strider II
You always under the effect of Freedom of Movement spell so long you don't have the Unconcious condition.
Seeker's Aptitude
With sharpened senses, you pierce through shadows and lies to find your mark.
These aptitudes belong in the Seeker category, refining the Ranger's perception and precision to eliminate any advantage their prey might hold.
Enhanced Senses
Prerequisite: Level 6+ Ranger
You can't have Disadvantage on attack rolls against the target of your Hunter's Mark.
Enhanced Senses II
Prerequisite: Level 15+ Ranger, Enhanced Senses
You can't have Disadvantage on attack rolls against any target within 30 feet of you.
Feral Aptitude
The beast within stirs with every strike, searching for weakness and exploiting it.
These aptitudes belong in the Feral category, tapping into the primal instincts of the Ranger to exploit the vulnerabilities of their foes and strike with savage precision.
Primal Focus
Prerequisite: Level 6+ Ranger
When you score a Critical Hit against a creature, all creature have Advantage on the next attack they make against that creature before the end of your next turn.
Primal Focus II: Feral Eyes
Prerequisite: Level 12+ Ranger, Primal Focus
You gain the following benefits:
Improved Critical When you attack the target of your Hunter's Mark with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike , the number you need to roll to for a Critical Hit is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.
Weakness Exploit Each time you score a Critical Hit against a creature, the number you need roll for another Critical Hit against that creature is reduced by 1. This effect can stack for 2 instances.
Primal Focus III: Predatory Intent
Prerequisite: Level 15+ Ranger, Primal Focus II
When you hit the target of your Hunter's Mark with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike , you can choose to end the spell and make the attack score a Critical Hit.
Endurance Aptitude
Through pain and hardship, you become stronger—your resolve unbroken.
These aptitudes belong in the Endurance category, reinforcing Ranger’s resilience and survivability.
Survivor I
Prerequisite: Level 6+ Ranger
Your body can rapidly recover from injury. When you expend a Hit Die to regain hit points, you regain additional Hit Points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).
Survivor II: Iron Will
Prerequisite: Level 9+ Ranger, Survivor
When you make a Death Saving Throw, you add your Wisdom modifier to the roll (minimum of +1). If the result of your roll is 20 or higher, you gain two Death Saving Throw success.
Surge Aptitude
In moments of peril, your body surges with unparalleled speed and strength.
These aptitudes belong in the Surge category.
Adrenaline I
Prerequisite: Level 12+ Ranger
You can expend one use of your Favoured Foe to cast Haste without expending a spell slot.
Adrenaline II
Prerequisite: Level 19+ Ranger, Adrenaline I
When you cast Haste from the Adrenaline Aptidude, it does not require Concentration. The spell's last for the Duration stated in the spell.
Apex Aptitude
At the peak of your mastery, your strikes are final, and your will is unyielding.
These aptitudes belong in the Apex category, representing the Ranger’s ultimate power.
Binding Blade
Prerequisite: Level 19+ Ranger
You can cast Ensnaring Strike without expending a spell slot.
Remove from Existence
Prerequisite: Level 19+ Ranger
Whenever you hit the target of your Hunter's Mark with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike , you can immediately end the spell and cause that attack to deal maximum damage instead of rolling. If the attack reduces the creature to 50 Hit Points or fewer, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your Spell save DC or it instantly dies.