Eldritch Invocations
This page contains a comprehensive list of all Eldritch Invocations. Several invocations have been slightly modified to align with the Crown & Misery campaign, as detailed below:
Spellcasting Modifier Adjustments Certain Warlock invocations have been altered to use the player's spellcasting modifier instead of Charisma.
Prerequisite Changes Some invocation prerequisites have been removed, allowing players with the Eldritch Initiate feat to select those invocations.
Note that the specific invocations affected by these changes are not listed.
The table below lists available General Feats, divided into three categories: PHB '24, Supplemental, and Homebrew.
2024 Player's Handbook Invocations
- Agonizing Blast
- Ascendant Step
- Devil's Sight
- Devouring Blade
- Eldritch Mind
- Eldritch Smite
- Eldritch Spear
- Fiendish Vigor
- Gift of the Depths
- Gift of the Protectors
- Gaze of Two Minds
- Investment of the Chain Master
- Lifedrinker
- Lessons of the First Ones
- Mask of Many Faces
- Master of Myriad Forms
- Misty Visions
- One with Shadows
- Pact of the Blade
- Pact of the Chain
- Pact of the Tome
- Repelling Blast
- Thirsting Blade
- Visions of Distant Realms
- Whispers of the Grave
- Witch Sight
- Armour of Shadows
- Otherworldly Leap
- Arcane Gunslinger
- Blasphemous Prayer
- Blink of The Destruction
- Cup of Protection
- Cup of Recovery
- Deep Fry
- Enchanting Melody
- Harmonic Spellcasting
- Improved Pact Weapon
- Kiss of Mephistopheles
- Knowledge of Antiquity
- Mirror of Fates
- Mire the Mind
- Pact of the Chalice
- Pact of the Hourglass
- Pact of the Instrument
- Pact of the Wok
- Plates of Null
- Sculptor of Flesh
- Superior Pact Weapon
- Temporal Rewind
- Time Acceleration
- Time Dilation