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Crown & Misery Invocations

These Invocations are for Crown & Misery campaign

Pact of the Chalice

You can conjure a Pact Chalice; a vessel for the creation of potions and poultices in your hand at the end of a Short or Long Rest. It takes the form of a tiny object of your choice that is capable of holding liquids, and it grants you the following benefits:

Artisan Tools It can counts as a Herbalism Kit, an Alchemist's Supplies or a Brewer's Supplies (your choice), and it uses your spellcasting modifier for ability checks made with it.

Potion Creation At the end of a Short or Long Rest, you can use the Pact Chalice to conjure a vial of the following: Alchemist's Fire, Acid, Holy Water, Potion of Healing, or Potion of Climbing. The liquid retains its potency until the end of your next long rest, at which point it becomes inert and unusable.

Spellcasting Focus You can use the device as a Spellcasting Focus.

This object disappears if you conjure another object with this feature or if you die.

Pact of the Hourglass

You can conjure a Pact Hourglass; a mystical timekeeping device in your hand at the end of a Short or Long Rest. It takes the form of a timekeeping device of your choice, and it grants you the following benefits:

Initiative Bonus So long you don't have the Surprised condition, you gain bonus to your Initiative rolls equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum of +1).

Rewind Time When you make a D20 Test, you can choose to re-roll. You can use this feature after you roll, but before you know if you succeed. Once you use this feature to turn failure into success, you must finish a Short or Long Rest before you can use it again.

Spellcasting Focus You can use the device as a Spellcasting Focus.

This timekeeping device disappears if you conjure another device with this feature or if you die.

Pact of the Instrument

As a Bonus Action, you can conjure a pact instrument in your hand—a musical instrument of your choice with which you bond—or create a bond with a musical instrument you touch. Until the bond ends, it grants you the following benefits:

Bonus Damage When you use it to cast a Warlock spell with a Verbal component, or a spell that deals Thunder damage, you gain a bonus to one of the spell's damage rolls equal to 1d8.

Expertise You have Expertise with it, and it uses your spellcasting modifier for ability checks made with it.

Spellcasting Focus You can use the musical instrument as a Spellcasting Focus.

Your bond with the musical instrument ends if you use this feature's Bonus Action again, if the musical instrument is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more, or if you die. A conjured musical instrument disappears when the bond ends.

Pact of the Wok

You can conjure a Pact Wok; a venerable cooking implement in your hand at the end of a Short or Long Rest. It takes the form of a set kitchen utensil of your choice, and it grants you the following benefits:

Artisan Tools It counts as Cooking Utensil, and it uses your spellcasting modifier for ability checks made with it.

Eldritch Rations When you finish a Long Rest, you can prepare a number of Eldritch Rations up to your spellcasting modifier as shown in the Eldritch Rations table in any combination. A creature can take a Bonus Action to consume one of these rations to gain the associated benefit.

Spellcasting Focus You can use the device as a Spellcasting Focus.

Eldritch Rations
Ration Name Benefit
Bolstering Ration The creature chooses either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. For 1 minute, the creature can add your spellcasting modifier to any Ability Check or Saving Throws it makes with the chosen ability score.
Healing Ration The creature ends one of the following conditions currently affecting it: Charmed, Blindness, Frightened, Deafened, Poisoned, or it can reduce its current Exhaustion level by 1.
Invigorating Ration The creature regain Hit Points equals to 1d10 + your spellcasting modifier.

These kitchen utensil and the Eldritch rations disappears if you conjure another kitchen utensils with this feature or if you die.

Any rations you have prepared become inert at the end of your next Long Rest.

Arcane Gunslinger

Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade

You can create a Pact Weapon that is a Short-Arm or Long-Arm.

Harmonic Spellcasting

Prerequisite: Pact of the Instrument

When you cast a Warlock spell with a Verbal component or deals Thunder damage while using your pact instrument as your spellcasting focus, the save DC for that spell increases by 1

Improved Pact Weapon

Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade

Your bond with your Pact Weapon improves.

Enhancement I Your Pact Weapon gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. If it already has a pre-existing bonus to those rolls, only the highest instance take effect.

Ranged Pact Weapon The weapon you conjure or make a bond with using Pact of the Blade can be Ranged Cold Weapon.

Knowledge of Antiquity

Prerequisite: Pact of the Hourglass

When you make an Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (History), or Intelligence (Religion), you can use your Charisma modifier instead of Intelligence.

Mirror of Fates

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chalice

You can peer into the uncertain future. Using your Pact Chalice as a spellcasting focus, you can cast [ Augury] at-will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Deep Fry

Prerequisite: Pact of the Wok

You can cast Grease with a Warlock spell slot.

Cup of Recovery

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock, Pact of the Chalice

You can cast Lesser Restoration once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way again when you finish a Long Rest.

Time Acceleration

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock, Pact of the Hourglass

You can cast Gift of Alacrity once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way again when you finish a Long Rest.

Blasphemous Prayer

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock, Pact of the Tome

Choose one level 3 Cleric subclass feature that uses Channel Divinity (e.g. Preserve Life). A new page appears in your Book of Shadow detailing prayers of how to use that feature. You use your Warlock level and Spell Save DC for Cleric level or Spell Save DC if required.

You can invoke this level 3 Cleric subclass feature once and you must finish a Short or Long Rest before you can invoke it again.

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock

You can cast Fireball centred on yourself, using a Warlock spell slot. When you do, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to the damage you take from the spell. If you use this invocation again while you still have Temporary Hit Points from it, any damage from the spell is instead applied to your actual Hit Points.

Kiss of Mephistopheles

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock, a Warlock Cantrip That Deals Damage

Choose one of your known Warlock cantrips that deals damage. When that cantrip deals damage, you can take a Bonus Action to cast Fireball using a Pact Magic spell slot. The spell must be centered on the creature you damaged by the cantrip.

Repeatable You can gain this invocation more than once. Each time you do so, choose a different eligible cantrip.

Mire the Mind

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock

You learn the Slow spell.

Plates of Null

Prerequisite: Level 5+, Armour of Shadow

When you cast Mage Armour using Armour of Shadow Invocation, your base AC is 15 + your Dexterity modifier instead of the normal effect.

Cup of Protection

Prerequisite: Level 7+ Warlock, Pact of the Chalice

A creature of your choice can take a Bonus Action to drink from your Pact Chalice, gaining the effects of Death Ward spell. Once used, you must finish a Long Rest to use this feature again.

Time Dilation

Prerequisite: Level 7+ Warlock, Pact of the Hourglass

You can cast Haste once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way again when you finish a Short or Long Rest.

Sculptor of Flesh

Prerequisite: Level 7+ Warlock

You learn the Polymorph spell.

Enchanting Melody

Prerequisite: Level 9+ Warlock

You can cast Charm Person once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way again when you finish a Long Rest.

Superior Pact Weapon

Prerequisite: Level 9+ Warlock, Improved Pact Weapon

Your bond with your Pact Weapon improves further.

Enhancement II The bonus to attack and damage rolls that Improved Pact Weapon grants increases to +2. This bonus improves to +3 when you reach Warlock level 15.

Prismatic Blade Whenever you attack with the Pact Weapon, you can cause the weapon to deal Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage or its normal damage type.

Temporal Rewind

Prerequisite: Level 15+ Warlock, Pact of the Hourglass

When you finish your turn, you can take a Reaction to undo everything that happened on your turn. You return to the space you began that turn in and you regain all resources you expended. You can then immediately repeat your turn.

Once you use this feature you must finish a Short or Long Rest before you can use it again.