A feat represents a Talent or an area of Expertise that gives a character Special capabilities. It embodies Training, experience, and Abilities beyond what a class provides.
Parts of a Feat
The description of a Feat contains the following parts, which are presented after the Feat's name:
Each Feat has a level. To take a Feat, your level must equal or exceed the Feat's level.
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a Feat to take that Feat, unless a special feature allows you to take the Feat without the prerequisite. If a prerequisite is a Class or a Class Group, you must have at least 1 level in an eligible Class to qualify for the Feat.
Repeatable If a Feat is repeatable, you can take it more than once. If it isn't repeatable, you can take the Feat only once. Every feat has its own condition to be repeated.