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Advanced Feats

These feats are in the Advanced Feats category.


Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Strength or Dexterity 15+, Two-weapon Fighting feat)

You learn to wield even more weapon variety with both of your hands.

Bonus AC

You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while you are wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand.

Strong Arm

While you are wielding two Melee weapons, both are treated as if they had the Light property.


When you make the extra off-hand attack using the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action, instead of as a Bonus Action. You can still make this extra attack only once per turn.

Quick Draw

You can draw or stow two weapons that lack the Two-Handed property when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.


Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Extra Attack feature)

You've learned the art of channeling the Weave with your weapon. Strength or Dexterity is your spellcasting ability for this feat's spells (choose when you select this feat).

You gain the following benefits:

Arcane Blade

You learn one of the following cantrips: Booming Blade, Blade Ward, Green-flame Blade, Shocking Grasp, Sword Burst, or True Strike.

Swift Cantrip

When you take the Attack action, you can replace one of the attack with a cantrip that has a casting time of an Action.


Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature)

Countless hours have been spent training your mind to maintain focus on concurrent incantations, taxing as the process may be.

Manifest power

If you attempt to cast a spell that requires Concentration while already Concentrating on an existing spell, you can maintain Concentration on both spells simultaneously. You must take a Magic action on each subsequent round on maintaining this Concentration, or lose it for both spells.


At the end of each turn where you have two spells you are Concentration on, you must make a CON Save (DC 10 + both spells' levels combined). On a failure, you lose Concentration for both spells. You can end Concentration on one of your spells during your turn to avoid this save.

Any time you would be forced to make a CON Save to maintain Concentration due to taking damage, the DC equals 10 + both spells' levels combined, or half the damage you take, whichever number is higher. On fail, you lose Concentration on both spells

Great Weapon Expert

Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Strength or Constitution 15+)

You gain the following benefits:

Improved Critical

The number you need to roll for a Critical Hit is reduced by 1 when you attack with a Melee Weapon that you are holding with two hands. This effect can stack.


When you attack with a Melee Weapon that you are holding with two hands whose mastery property you can use, you can replace that property with the Cleave, Graze, Topple, or Vex property for that attack, ignoring its prerequisites.

Master of None

Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13+)

You gain the following benefit:

Adaptive Proficiencies

You gain proficiency in two skill of your choice. When you finish a Short Rest, you may change the chosen skill proficiencies to a different one.

Mystical Conflux

Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+)

Through your repeated exposure to the natural flow of arcane magic throughout your world and beyond, you've adapted to attune with additional enchantments, though the process can be physically taxing. You gain the following benefits:


You have Advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks when investigating the nature of a magical object or device.

Increased Attunement

Your magical item attunement limit is increased by one. All other magical attunement rule still applies.


You can cast the Identify spell without expending a spell slot or Material components.

Remarkable Life Journey

Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+)

Your journey are full of experience.

Tales from Adventure

You gain two :option-feat-feneral: General Feats of your choice. You can't benefit from a Feat's feature that grants increase to ability scores (e.g Ability Score Improvement). All other rules related to gaining Feats still apply. Replacing this Feat will forgo all the General Feats gained from this Feat.

Repeatable You can take this feat more than once. Choose another two eligible :option-feat-feneral: General Feats each time. All other rules related to gaining Feats still apply.

Shield Prodigy

Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+)

Through meticulous refinement and tinkering of your equipment, you gain unique abilities with shields. While wielding a Shield, you gain the following benefits:

Damage Reduction

When a creature you can see hits you or an ally within 5 feet of you with an attack roll, you can take a Reaction to reduce the damage dealt equals your Proficiency Bonus.

Shield Throw

When you take the Attack action on your turn while wielding a Shield, you can replace one of your attacks with a shield throw. Choose a creature that you can see within 30 ft. and it must succeed a STR Save (DC 8 plus your Strength modifier and Proficiency Bonus), or take image/svg+xml Bludgeoning damage equals to your Shield's AC. Additionally, the target is also either pushed 10 feet from you or it gains the Prone condition (your choice). The shield harmlessly bounces back you your hand thereafter.

Transforming Shield

As a Bonus Action, while wielding both a Shield and a melee weapon, you can combine the two, transforming the weapon. The melee weapon gains the Two-handed property and deals extra damage the equals to the Shield's AC on hit. You lose the AC bonus you gain from the Shield in this form.

You can take a Bonus Action to end this transformation, reverting both the weapon and shield, to its original form.

Single Specialialisation

Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+)

You focus further into the unique strengths of your archetype.

Extra Subclass

You gain one level 3 subclass feature from a different subclass within your current class that has this Feat.

Repeatable You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, select either a new level 3 subclass feature from a different subclass or an additional feature from the same subclass, provided your level qualifies for that feature.


Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature)

Through intense focus, training, and dedication, you've harnessed the techniques of rapid spellcasting.

Rapid Spellcasting

On a turn, when you expend a spell slot to cast a spell, you can still expend a level 3 spell slot or lower to cast another spell.

One Spell Slot Per Turn

In 2024 Player's Handbook, the rule for spellcasting has been altered as follow:

One Spell with a Spell Slot per Turn

On a turn, you can expend only one spell slot to cast a spell. This rule means you can't, for example, cast a spell with a spell slot using the Magic action and another one using a Bonus Action on the same turn.

This feat lifts that restriction, but the level of spell slot you can expend is still limited to only level 3.

Spell Executioner

Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature)

Your spells become especially lethal against unsuspecting foes.

Improved Critical

The number you need to roll for Critical Hit with spells is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.

Fatal Magic

When a creature's saving throw result on the d20 is equal or lower than your Proficiency Bonus against one of your spells, the spell's initial damage is doubled. This is treated as a Critical Hit for gameplay purposes.


The Improved Critical and Fatal Magic features do not interact with each other. Improved Critical applies only to attack rolls, while Fatal Magic applies only to spells that require saving throws. Additionally, any effect that reduces the number needed to roll for a Critical Hit does not apply to Fatal Magic.

However, if you have a feature that triggers on a Critical Hit (such as rolling additional dice or applying another effect), Fatal Magic will activate this effect when it doubles the spell's damage.


Advanced Feat (Prerequisites: Level 8+, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 15+)

You learn how to channel divine power given by the divine.

Channel Divinity

Choose one Channel Divinity option from a Cleric or Paladin subclass. You can use this Channel Divinity once per Short Rest and it uses your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose one) modifier for it.

Repeatable Pick a different Channel Divinity option from a different Cleric or Paladin domain each time.