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CM General Feat

These General feats are homebrew.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Ability to cast a Spell)

You are skilled at casting spells with a weapon in hand.

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Armament Focus

You can use a Magical weapon or a Magical shield, that you have Attuned (if required) as a spellcasting focus and to perform the Somatic component of a spell.

Weapon Conduit

When wielding a Magical weapon that has Enchantment (+1, +2, or +3) with which you are proficient and Attuned with (if required), you can apply its Enchantment to the attack roll and damage roll of any spell you cast, provided you use the weapon as your spellcasting focus.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Ability to cast a Spell)

You have learned to channel your magic through a deck of cards.

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Card Focus

You can use a Card Deck as your spellcasting focus.

Card Tricks

You learn the Thaumaturgy and Guidance cantrip. When you cast those cantrips through card deck and you can use it to create illusions that duplicate the effects of stage magic or use it to reveal a divination to a target. You can conceal the Verbal and Somatic components of the spell as ordinary conversation or card handling.

Hidden Ace

When you finish a Long Rest, you can choose two spell from your class's spell list and imbue those spell into cards. The chosen spell must have a casting time of 1 action, and it must be a level for which you have Spell Slots. The card remains imbued with this spell for 8 hours.

While the card is imbued with the spell, you can use a Bonus Action to flourish the card and cast the spell within. The card then immediately loses its magic.

Flash Recall

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature)

You've developed the ability to instantly recall an unprepared spell in moments of sudden necessity. You gain the following benefits:

Ability Score Increase

You increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.


As an Action, you can instantly learn a spell from your available class spell list (or spellbook, if your class prepare spells from one) that you did not know or have prepared. This spell choice must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots. You then lose the knowledge or preparation of a different spell of your choice of equal or higher spell level.

Once you use this ability, you must finish a Short or Long Rest before you can use it again.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Firearms Proficiency)

You have a quick hand and keen eye when employing firearms, granting you the following benefits:

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Controlled Burst

When you make the extra attack of the Automatic property, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the extra attacks.

Race Modded

As part of an attack with Firearms, you can take a Reaction to reload it if it ran out of ammunition before or after the attack. Moreover, you don't need a free hand to reload a Firearm.

Helpful Insights

General Feat (Prerequisites: Level 4+)

You always seem to have helpful advice for any situation. You gain the benefits below:

Ability Score Increase

You increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.

Swift Help

You can take the Help action as a Bonus Action.

If you use a Help action to give Advantage on an ability check with a skill or tool you are proficient in, the target can treat a result of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.

Metamagic Adept

General Feat (Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature, or Sorcerous Spark)

You've learned how to exert your will on your spells to alter how they function:

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Two Metamagic

You learn two Metamagic options of your choice. You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless the option says otherwise. Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace one of these Metamagic options with another one.

Two Sorcery Points

You gain 2 sorcery points to spend on Metamagic (these points are added to any sorcery points you have from another source but can be used only on Metamagic). You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a Long Rest

Overwhelming Strength

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Strength 13+)

Your sheer physical might dwarfs that of nearly all other mortal creatures, giving you the following benefits:

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Strength, by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Improved Carrying Capacity

You are considered to be one size larger to determine your Carrying Capacity.

Might is Power

Whenever you make a Strength-based D20 Test, you can treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.

Iron Grip

Creatures with the same size as you and smaller has Disadvantage on the saving throw of escaping your Grapple.

Remarkable Recovery

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Constitution 13+)

Your body has the ability to recover quickly from terrible injuries, and is unusually receptive to healing magic. You gain the following benefits:

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

From the Brink

Once per Long Rest, when you would be reduced to 0 Hit Points, make a Constitution Saving Throw. The DC equals 10 or half the damage you take, whichever number is higher. On a successful save, you are reduced to 1 Hit Points instead.

Fast Healing

Whenever you regain Hit Points as a result of a spell, potion, or class feature (but not this feat), you regain additional Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

Resolute Caster

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature)

You gain the following benefits.

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Suspended Focus

One of your spells with a duration of Concentration remain in effect after you unwillingly lose Concentration until the start of your next turn. This is true whether you lost Concentration from taking damage, from having the Unconscious condition, or even from being killed. (In the case of your death, the spell ends at the point when your next turn would have begun, if you were alive to take it.)

Rich in History

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, History Proficiency)

You gain the following benefits.

Ability Score Increase

Increase one ability score of your by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Lessons of Life

You gain two Origin Feats of your choice, all other rules related to gaining Feats still apply. Replacing this Feat will forgo all the Origin Feats gained from this Feat.

Repeatable You can take this feat more than once. Choose another two eligible Origin Feats each time. All other rules related to gaining Feats still apply.

Spell Sniper (Alternate)

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature)

You gain the following benefits.

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Bypass Cover

Your attack rolls for spells ignore Half Cover and Three-Quarters Cover.

Improved Critical

The number you need to roll for Critical Hit with spells is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.

One Cantrip

You learn one cantris of your choice that deals damage and has a range of 10+ feet from the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this feat's spells (choose when you select this feat)

Sword Dancing

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+)

One-handed weapons and blades are an extension of your arm, graceful as the wind.

Ability Score Increase

You increase your Dexterity by 1, up to a maximum of 20.

Dynamic Swordplay

When you take the Attack action and attack with melee weapon that has the Finesse property, you can choose to deal either image/svg+xml Slashing or image/svg+xml Piercing damage.


The first creature you hit on your turn has Disadvantage on any attack against you until the start of your next turn.

Thrown Arms Master

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+)

You've honed your ability to lob weaponry into the fray, including weapons not meant for ranged combat. You gain the following benefits:

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Throwable Weapons

Simple and Martial melee weapons without the Thrown property have the Thrown property for you. One-handed weapons has Thrown (30/60), while Two-handed weapons has Thrown (15/30)

Improved Throw Range

Weapons that already have the Thrown property has their range is increased by (+20/+40)


When you miss with a Thrown weapon attack using a weapon with Light property, the weapon returns to your grasp like a boomerang at the end of your turn, unless something prevents it from returning. You can catch and stow as many weapons as you threw in this way.

Trick Shots

General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Ranged weapon proficiency)

You gain the following benefits:

Ability Score Increase

Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Return Fire

When a creature you can see hits or misses you with a ranged attack, you can take a Reaction and make one ranged weapon attack against that creature with ranged or thrown weapon that has the Lightproperty.