Quick Reference
Dice Rolls
Attack Roll -
Made to hit a target and is contested by the target's Armour Class (AC).
D20 + Ability Modifier + PB (if proficient) + other Bonuses
Damage Roll
When an attack or attempt to harm is successful, the creature often makes a Damage Roll to determine how much damage it causes to its target.Damage Die + Ability Modifier + other Bonuses
Saving Throw -
Made to resist an effect and is contested by Dificulty Class (DC)
D20 + Ability Modifier + PB (if proficient) + other Bonuses
Ability Check -
Made to see if a creature succeed a particular task and is contested by Dificulty Class (DC)
D20 + Ability Modifier + other Bonuses
Skill Check
Skill checks are Ability Checks made using skills (e.g. Perception, Intimidation, History, etc)D20 + Ability Modifier + PB (if proficient) + other Bonuses
Armour Class -
Base AC:
10 + Dex modifier
Light Armour:
Armour's AC + Dex modifier
Medium Armour:
Armour's AC + Dex modifier (max 2)
Heavy Armour: A
rmour's AC
Passive Perception -
10 + Wisdom (Perception) check bonus
Advantage grants +5 bonus and Disadvantage grants -5 penalty.
Your Turn
Cost: 5 ft. per tile / 10 ft. per tile (Difficult Terrain)
Change your position.
Cost: none
Give yourself the Prone condition.
Stand Up
Cost: half your max Speed
End the Prone condition
Cost: 10 ft. per tile
Scale a vertical surface.
Cost: 10 ft. per tile
Move on deep liquid.
Move while Grappling
Modifier: Speed is halved
Move while Grappling a creature.
Perform a Melee or Ranged attack with your weapon or perform Unarmed Strike.
For the rest of the turn, give yourself extra Movement equal to your Speed.
Your Movement doesn't provoke Opportunity Attack for the rest of the turn.
Focus entirely on avoiding attacks.
Attack Rolls against you have Disadvantage & you have Advantage on DEX Save -
Give Advantage on another creature's Ability Check or Attack Roll.
Make a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check. Gain Invisible condition on success.
Make a Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to alter a creature's attitude.
Cast a spell that has a casting time of an Action or use a feature or magic item that requires a Magic action to be activated.
Prepare to take an action or Move in response to a trigger you define.
Make a Wisdom (Insight, Medicine, Perception, or Survival) check to discern something that isn't obvious.
Make an Intelligence (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion) check to call to mind an important piece of information about it.
Use a nonmagical object, equip Shield.
Bonus Action
Bonus Action
Off-Hand Attack
If you attack with a Light weapon weapon, you can make one Extra Attack with a different Light weapon weapon. Ability modifier is not added to damage roll (unless negative).
Cast a Spell
Cast a spell with a casting time of a Bonus Action.
Use a Feature
Activate a feature (e.g, Class feature, Species feature) that uses a a Bonus Action.
Opportunity Attack
Trigger: a Creature leaves your reach
Make one Melee attack against the triggering creature.
Readied Action
Trigger: specified by your Ready action
Execute the reaction specified by your Ready action.
Cast a Spell
Trigger: specified by the spell
Cast a spell with a casting time of a Reaction.
Use a Feature
Trigger: specified by the feature
Activate a feature (e.g, Class feature, Species feature) that uses a a Reaction.