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Quick Reference

Dice Rolls

Attack Roll

Made to hit a target and is contested by the target's Armour Class (AC).

D20 + Ability Modifier + PB (if proficient) + other Bonuses

Damage Roll
When an attack or attempt to harm is successful, the creature often makes a Damage Roll to determine how much damage it causes to its target.

Damage Die + Ability Modifier + other Bonuses

Saving Throw

Made to resist an effect and is contested by Dificulty Class (DC)

D20 + Ability Modifier + PB (if proficient) + other Bonuses

Ability Check

Made to see if a creature succeed a particular task and is contested by Dificulty Class (DC)

D20 + Ability Modifier + other Bonuses

Skill Check
Skill checks are Ability Checks made using skills (e.g. Perception, Intimidation, History, etc)

D20 + Ability Modifier + PB (if proficient) + other Bonuses


Armour Class

Base AC: 10 + Dex modifier

Light Armour: Armour's AC + Dex modifier

Medium Armour: Armour's AC + Dex modifier (max 2)

Heavy Armour: Armour's AC

Passive Perception

10 + Wisdom (Perception) check bonus

Advantage grants +5 bonus and Disadvantage grants -5 penalty.

Your Turn



  • Move

    Cost: 5 ft. per tile / 10 ft. per tile (Difficult Terrain)

    Change your position.

  • Prone

    Cost: none

    Give yourself the Prone condition.

  • Stand Up

    Cost: half your max Speed

    End the Prone condition

  • Climb

    Cost: 10 ft. per tile

    Scale a vertical surface.

  • Swim

    Cost: 10 ft. per tile

    Move on deep liquid.

  • Move while Grappling

    Modifier: Speed is halved

    Move while Grappling a creature.



  • Attack

    Perform a Melee or Ranged attack with your weapon or perform Unarmed Strike.

  • Dash

    For the rest of the turn, give yourself extra Movement equal to your Speed.

  • Disengage

    Your Movement doesn't provoke Opportunity Attack for the rest of the turn.

  • Dodge

    Focus entirely on avoiding attacks.
    Attack Rolls against you have Disadvantage & you have Advantage on DEX Save

  • Help

    Give Advantage on another creature's Ability Check or Attack Roll.

  • Hide

    Make a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check. Gain Invisible condition on success.

  • Influence

    Make a Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to alter a creature's attitude.

  • Magic

    Cast a spell that has a casting time of an Action or use a feature or magic item that requires a Magic action to be activated.

  • Ready

    Prepare to take an action or Move in response to a trigger you define.

  • Make a Wisdom (Insight, Medicine, Perception, or Survival) check to discern something that isn't obvious.

  • Study

    Make an Intelligence (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion) check to call to mind an important piece of information about it.

  • Utilise

    Use a nonmagical object, equip Shield.

Bonus Action

Bonus Action

  • Off-Hand Attack

    If you attack with a Light weapon weapon, you can make one Extra Attack with a different Light weapon weapon. Ability modifier is not added to damage roll (unless negative).

  • Cast a Spell

    Cast a spell with a casting time of a Bonus Action.

  • Use a Feature

    Activate a feature (e.g, Class feature, Species feature) that uses a a Bonus Action.



  • Opportunity Attack

    Trigger: a Creature leaves your reach

    Make one Melee attack against the triggering creature.

  • Readied Action

    Trigger: specified by your Ready action

    Execute the reaction specified by your Ready action.

  • Cast a Spell

    Trigger: specified by the spell

    Cast a spell with a casting time of a Reaction.

  • Use a Feature

    Trigger: specified by the feature

    Activate a feature (e.g, Class feature, Species feature) that uses a a Reaction.