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Warlock's Spell List

This Warlock spell list includes all spells available from PHB'24, TCE, XGE, & FTD.

Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Blade Ward Abjuration Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Booming Blade Evocation Action Self (5-foot radius) 1 round S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp) TCE
Chill Touch Necromancy Action Touch Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Create Bonfire Conjuration Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S XGE
Eldritch Blast Evocation Action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Friends Enchantment Action 10 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute S, M (some makeup) PHB'24
Frostbite Evocation Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S XGE
Green-Flame Blade Evocation Action Self (5-foot radius) Instantaneous S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp) TCE
Infestation Conjuration Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S, M (a living flea) XGE
Lightning Lure Evocation Action Self (15-foot radius) Instantaneous V TCE
Mage Hand Conjuration Action 30 feet 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Magic Stone Transmutation Bonus Touch 1 minute V, S XGE
Mind Sliver Enchantment Action 60 feet Instantaneous V PHB'24
Minor Illusion Illusion Action 30 feet 1 minute S, M (a bit of fleece) PHB'24
Poison Spray Necromancy Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Prestidigitation Transmutation Action 10 feet 1 hour V, S PHB'24
Sword Burst Conjuration Action Self (5-foot radius) Instantaneous V TCE
Thunderclap Evocation Action Self (5-foot emanation) Instantaneous S PHB'24
Toll the Dead Necromancy Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
True Strike Divination Action Self Instantaneous S, M (a weapon with which you have proficiency and that is worth 1+ CP) PHB'24
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Armour of Agathys Abjuration Bonus Self 1 hour V, S, M (a shard of blue glass) PHB'24
Arms of Hadar Conjuration Action Self (10-foot emanation) Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Bane Enchantment Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a drop of blood) PHB'24
Cause Fear Necromancy Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V XGE
Charm Person Enchantment Action 30 feet 1 hour V, S PHB'24
Comprehend Languages Divination (ritual) Action Self 1 hour V, S, M (a pinch of soot and salt) PHB'24
Detect Magic Divination (ritual) Action Self (30-foot radius) Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S PHB'24
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation Bonus Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S PHB'24
Hellish Rebuke Evocation Reaction 60 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Hex Enchantment Bonus 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (the petrified eye of a newt) PHB'24
Illusory Script Illusion (ritual) 1 Min. Touch 10 days S, M (ink worth 10+ GP, which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Protection from Evil and Good Abjuration Action Touch Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M (a flask of Holy Water worth 25+ GP, which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Speak with Animals Divination (ritual) Action Self 10 minutes V, S PHB'24
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Enchantment Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a tart and a feather) PHB'24
Unseen Servant Conjuration (ritual) Action 60 feet 1 hour V, S, M (a bit of string and of wood) PHB'24
Witch Bolt Evocation Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a twig struck by lightning) PHB'24
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Cloud of Daggers Conjuration Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a sliver of glass) PHB'24
Crown of Madness Enchantment Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Darkness Evocation Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, M (bat fur and a piece of coal) PHB'24
Earthbind Transmutation Action 300 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V XGE
Enthrall Enchantment Action 60 feet 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Hold Person Enchantment Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a straight piece of iron) PHB'24
Invisibility Illusion Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (an eyelash in gum arabic) PHB'24
Mind Spike Divination Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour S PHB'24
Mirror Image Illusion Action Self 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Misty Step Conjuration Bonus Self Instantaneous V PHB'24
Ray of Enfeeblement Necromancy Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Shadow Blade Illusion Bonus Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S XGE
Spider Climb Transmutation Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a drop of bitumen and a spider) PHB'24
Spray of Cards Conjuration Action Self (15-foot cone) Instantaneous V, S, M (a deck of cards) BMT
Suggestion Enchantment Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 8 hours V, M (a drop of honey) PHB'24
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Antagonize Enchantment Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S, M (a playing card depicting a rogue) BMT
Counterspell Abjuration Reaction 60 feet Instantaneous S PHB'24
Dispel Magic Abjuration Action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Enemies Abound Enchantment Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S XGE
Fear Illusion Action Self (30-foot cone) Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a white feather) PHB'24
Fly Transmutation Action Touch Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M (a feather) PHB'24
Gaseous Form Transmutation Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a bit of gauze) PHB'24
Hunger of Hadar Conjuration Action 150 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a pickled tentacle) PHB'24
Hypnotic Pattern Illusion Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute S, M (a pinch of confetti) PHB'24
Intellect Fortress Abjuration Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V TCE
Magic Circle Abjuration 1 Min. 10 feet 1 hour V, S, M (salt and powdered silver worth 100+ GP, which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Major Image Illusion Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M (a bit of fleece) PHB'24
Remove Curse Abjuration Action Touch Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Shackles of Pain Necromancy Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute S, M (a rusty chain) CM
Spirit Shroud Necromancy Bonus Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S TCE
Summon Fey Conjuration Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a gilded flower worth 300+ GP) PHB'24
Summon Lesser Demons Conjuration Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a vial of blood from a humanoid killed within the past 24 hours) XGE
Summon Shadowspawn Conjuration Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (tears inside a gem worth at least 300 gp) TCE
Summon Undead Necromancy Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a gilded skull worth 300+ GP) PHB'24
Thunder Step Conjuration Action 90 feet Instantaneous V XGE
Tongues Divination Action Touch 1 hour V, M (a miniature ziggurat) PHB'24
Vampiric Touch Necromancy Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Banishment Abjuration Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a pentacle) PHB'24
Blight Necromancy Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Charm Monster Enchantment Action 30 feet 1 hour V, S PHB'24
Dimension Door Conjuration Action 500 feet Instantaneous V PHB'24
Elemental Bane Transmutation Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S XGE
Hallucinatory Terrain Illusion 10 Min. 300 feet 24 hours V, S, M (a mushroom) PHB'24
Raulothim's Psychic Lance Enchantment Action 120 feet Instantaneous V FTD
Shadow of Moil Necromancy Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (an undead eyeball encased in a gem worth at least 150 gp) XGE
Sickening Radiance Evocation Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S XGE
Spirit of Death Necromancy Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a gilded playing card worth at least 400 gp and depicting an avatar of death) BMT
Summon Aberration Conjuration Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a pickled tentacle and an eyeball in a platinum-inlaid vial worth 400+ GP) PHB'24
Summon Greater Demon Conjuration Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a vial of blood from a humanoid killed within the past 24 hours) XGE
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Contact Other Plane Divination (ritual) 1 Min. Self 1 minute V PHB'24
Contract Enchantment 10 minutes Touch Until Dispelled V, S, M (a scroll, a gemstone worth at least 1,000 SP, which both the spell consumes) CM
Danse Macabre Necromancy Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S XGE
Dream Illusion 1 Min. Self 8 hours V, S, M (a handful of sand) PHB'24
Enervation Necromancy Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S XGE
Far Step Conjuration Bonus Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V XGE
Hold Monster Enchantment Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a straight piece of iron) PHB'24
Infernal Calling Conjuration 1 Min. 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a ruby worth at least 999 gp) XGE
Jallarzi's Storm of Radiance Evocation Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a pinch of phosphorus) PHB'24
Mislead Illusion Action Self Concentration, up to 1 hour S PHB'24
Negative Energy Flood Necromancy Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, M (a broken bone and a square of black silk) XGE
Planar Binding Abjuration 1 Hr. 60 feet 24 hours V, S, M (a jewel worth 1,000+ GP, which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Scrying Divination 10 Min. Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M (a focus worth 1,000+ GP, such as a crystal ball, mirror, or water-filled font) PHB'24
Synaptic Static Enchantment Action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Teleportation Circle Conjuration 1 Min. 10 feet 1 round V, M (rare inks worth 50+ GP, which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Wall of Light Evocation Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M (a hand mirror) XGE
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Arcane Gate Conjuration Action 500 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S PHB'24
Circle of Death Necromancy Action 150 feet Instantaneous V, S, M (the powder of a crushed black pearl worth 500+ GP) PHB'24
Create Undead Necromancy 1 Min. 10 feet Instantaneous V, S, M (one 150+ GP black onyx stone for each corpse) PHB'24
Eyebite Necromancy Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S PHB'24
Investiture of Flame Transmutation Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S XGE
Investiture of Ice Transmutation Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S XGE
Investiture of Stone Transmutation Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S XGE
Investiture of Wind Transmutation Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S XGE
Mental Prison Illusion Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute S XGE
Scatter Conjuration Action 30 feet Instantaneous V XGE
Soul Cage Necromancy Reaction 60 feet 8 hours V, S, M (a tiny silver cage worth 100 gp) XGE
Summon Fiend Conjuration Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a bloody vial worth 600+ GP) PHB'24
Tasha's Bubbling Cauldron Conjuration Action 5 feet 10 minutes V, S, M (a gilded ladle worth 500 + GP) PHB'24
Tasha's Otherworldly Guise Transmutation Bonus Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (an object engraved with a symbol of the Outer Planes, worth at least 500 gp) TCE
True Seeing Divination Action Touch 1 hour V, S, M (mushroom powder worth 25+ GP, which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Crown of Stars Evocation Action Self 1 hour V, S XGE
Dream of the Blue Veil Conjuration 10 Min. 20 feet 6 hours V, S, M (a magic item or a willing creature from the destination world) TCE
Etherealness Conjuration Action Self 8 hours V, S PHB'24
Finger of Death Necromancy Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S PHB'24
Forcecage Evocation Action 100 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (ruby dust worth 1,500+ GP, which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Plane Shift Conjuration Action Touch Instantaneous V, S, M (a forked, metal rod worth 250+ GP and attuned to a plane of existence) PHB'24
Power Word Pain Enchantment Action 60 feet Instantaneous V XGE
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Befuddlement Enchantment Action 150 feet Instantaneous V, S, M (a key ring with no keys) PHB'24
Demiplane Conjuration Action 60 feet 1 hour S PHB'24
Dominate Monster Enchantment Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S PHB'24
Glibness Transmutation Action Self 1 hour V PHB'24
Maddening Darkness Evocation Action 150 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, M (a drop of pitch mixed with a drop of mercury) XGE
Power Word Stun Enchantment Action 60 feet Instantaneous V PHB'24
Name School Time Range Duration Components Source
Astral Projection Necromancy 1 Hr. 10 feet Until dispelled V, S, M (for each of the spell's targets, one jacinth worth 1,000+ GP and one silver bar worth 100+ GP, all of which the spell consumes) PHB'24
Blade of Disaster Conjuration Bonus 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S TCE
Foresight Divination 1 Min. Touch 8 hours V, S, M (a hummingbird feather) PHB'24
Gate Conjuration Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M (a diamond worth 5,000+ GP) PHB'24
Imprisonment Abjuration 1 Min. 30 feet Until dispelled V, S, M (a statuette of the target worth 5,000+ GP) PHB'24
Power Word Kill Enchantment Action 60 feet Instantaneous V PHB'24
Psychic Scream Enchantment Action 90 feet Instantaneous S XGE
True Polymorph Transmutation Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M (a drop of mercury, a dollop of gum arabic, and a wisp of smoke) PHB'24
Weird Illusion Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S PHB'24