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Gaining Spells

Before you can cast a spell, you must have the spell prepared in your mind or have access to the spell from a magic item, such as a Spell Scroll. Your features specify which spells you have access to, if any; whether you always have certain spells prepared; and whether you can change the list of spells you have prepared.

Preparing Spells

If you have a list of level 1+ spells you prepare, your spellcasting feature specifies when you can change the list and the number of spells you can change, as summarized in the Spell Preparation by Class table.

Spell Preparation by Class
Class Change When You... Number of Spells
ArtificerTCE Finish a Long Rest Any
Bard Gain a Level One
Cleric Finish a Long Rest Any
Druid Finish a Long Rest Any
MagusLL Finish a Long Rest Any
Paladin Finish a Long Rest One
Ranger Finish a Long Rest One
Sorcerer Gain a Level One
Warlock Gain a Level One
Wizard Finish a Long Rest Any

Most spellcasting monsters don't change their lists of prepared spells, but the DM is free to alter them.

Always-Prepared Spells

Certain features might give you a spell that you always have prepared. If you also have a list of prepared spells that you can change, a spell that you always have prepared doesn't count against the number of spells on that list.

Casting in Armour

You must have training with any armour you are wearing to cast spells while wearing it. You are otherwise too hampered by the armour for spellcasting.